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Comment Re:At the risk of blaming the victim... (Score 1) 311

Better education of users is the answer. To coin a car analogy, most people now know not to leave their purse, computer, other valuable items visible in their car, they take extra measures like leaving it in the boot/trunk or not leaving it there in the first place.

This was (and unfortunately still is) not always the case but because of advertising campaigns people tend to know they should be more aware.

Comment Nokia 3310 (Score 2) 635

I'm still using a Nokia 3310. 'What? Call yourself a geek and you don't have a smart phone?' I hear you ask...

Well I quite like the idea that when I leave the office I'm NOT AT WORK any more. I'm still contactable if anyone wants to TXT/call me and I'm rarely more than 10mins away from a WiFi connection if I really need one (I have a Nexus 7 which is on me most of the time).

I also take perverse pleasure when I try calling someone on their iPhone and they hang up on me only to TXT me back to say their mic has been playing up and they can't currently receive calls.

I also ski and paraglide quite a lot and need a phone that's going to work in an emergency, potentially after a big fall...

I know I'll have to replace it eventually but it's doing fine for what I need right now.

Comment Re:As a pilot and aviation enthusiast... (Score 1) 88

FYI, here are some opinions of other paraglider pilots on the subject of flying with R/C models.

This is mainly about soaring with full r/c than follow-drones which would presumably have a more predictable flight path, so not exactly the same situation but I'd still imagine speedrider pilots having problems with this because they are often well below the 400ft AGL height limit.

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