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Comment Re:Yet another proof creation doesn't work! (Score 4, Informative) 158

You keep saying "We Know..." about something Jesus is purported to have said, or that "We know that God gave us free will..." as if these are facts. I don't know anything about any Gods at all, because I've never been given any evidence that any God exists. The Bible, or any other religious writing is just something written a long time ago (usually) by some religious people, so can't be counted as evidence for anything.

Comment Re:Serously? (Score 1) 398

Tojo had been deposed as prime Minister in July 1944, otherwise I think your comment's probably right. On a personal note, my father was serving in the British Army, 2 Parachute Regiment in 1945, and I'm pretty sure he would have been sent to Japan at some stage if the Invasion went ahead. So I'm reasonably comfortable with the US use of nuclear weapons on that occasion. Purely from a selfish point of view of course.

Comment Of course it is worth it (Score 1) 97

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is similar, but less likely to work, as a bunch of independent minded Asians are involved, Has similar proposals. Corporations will be able to sue governments if new regulations interfere with business. Not sure I voted for that. Pretty sure I won't get the chance to.

Comment Re:It is true (Score 1) 274

I kind of assumed that once the Myspace guys got the millions from the mark that bought them out, their job was done and could kick back. Seemed like quite a clever business model really. Couldn't remember who the mark was, but google did:

Comment Re:i have an idea (Score 1) 701

I was pleased when my boys started at an all boy school. The Headmaster is a man, and about 3/4 of the teachers are men too. Boys are expected to be boys, and a bit of rough and tumble is considered normal. Beware if it looks like bullying though, my oldest boy was given a detention for what was seen as bullying, (I punished him also). But my boys come home occasionaly with a ripped shirt, or covered in dirt, and it's usually because of some game they've been playing. It all seems really healthy to me.

Comment Re:Last time I checked... (Score 1) 897

"Self-represented defendants are not bound by lawyers' ethical codes. This means that a defendant who represents himself can delay proceedings and sometimes wreak havoc on an already overloaded system by repeatedly filing motions."

You can ask a judge to make some reasonable allowances for your ignorance of proper procedure.

But don't for one minute think that you can play him for a fool.

You can ask a Judge to make allowances, and they will too. My sister has never paid a traffic fine, ever. She always chooses to plead not guilty, and has only once had the cop turn up at court. She explained to the judge that she was representing herself, and was ready to go right now. The judge gave her a quick over view of what to expect, and was really helpful. The cop made the mistake of asking for an adjournment, and the whole thing was thrown out.

Comment Re:The lesson here isn't about free speech (Score 1) 400

Yes, just hang in there. My daughter figured out out her Mother was a weirdo when she was about 10, and moved in with me when she was about 14, against the court's decision. Fortunately where I live the court doesn't really involve itself if it people can sort things out themselves. My daughter told the case worker she wanted to live with me, and that seemed to be the end of it. I can't really remember the details now as it was a while ago, but I think threats were made but nothing came of them. I never did get any child support money though.

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