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Comment Re:Holy Mountain (Score 1) 234

No matter what you think of the book, I hope you don't believe that every movie version has to stick slavishly to "canon".

If a movie violates canon, it should use a different name. If the movie isn't good enough to be made without using a name it doesn't deserve, then it isn't good enough to watch.

Comment Re:Wat? (Score 3, Insightful) 53

Stores information and processes it in the same place? You mean like every other computer ever?

Well, no. I didn't RTFA because I'm not new here, but ordinary computers have to copy the data from memory into a register before they can process it. They don't process it in-place. And most data is not kept in memory all the time, either, but I figured they meant the first sense.

Comment Re:PID FTW (Score 1) 149

I don't see how a PID controller will help much.

It helped him win.

You are cooking with very low temperature air (around 200 F).

Yes, temperature control is what PID is used for in this context.

You have this massive ceramic cooker with large heat capacity.

No, I'm not talking about TFA, I'm talking about every other BBQ. Anyway you can buy a PID fan controller as a complete unit and stick it up your Weber's arse.

The most important thing for good BBQ is picking a good cut of meat. Do that right and you can throw it in your oven and it will be delicious.

That's not even BBQ.

Comment Re:Old-School vs Old-School (Score 4, Insightful) 149

That's kind of how the old-school pitmasters look at rigs like this. It has a purpose, and it has value...but you won't get any respect for using one.

I don't want respect, I want brisket that isn't dried out like literally every bit of brisket I've had outside of Texas.

Comment Re:I'm retired now (Score 5, Interesting) 377

I over-promised on a time estimate once, or rather: I let myself be convinced to pad the estimate. Not by a vendor but by the client! One of the client's systems was due for an upgrade, and between myself and the support guys in India I figured it would be a 19 man-day job. I would run it as a "small project" meaning that I could run it any way I wanted. However, the client asked me: "Can you make the estimate 21 days?" That meant it would be a "proper" project run according to the client's methodology, which the client preferred for budgetary reasons. I had nothing to worry about according to the manager, a PM would be assigned to me to take care of the project formalities. So I agreed.

At the time I was not aware of the unbelievable bureaucracy of large multinationals, and what this would do to my project. Normally I estimate the amount of real work, and add 20% for project management overhead. Maybe another 20% for red tape. But in this case, the PM was more or less forced to involve an ever increasing legion of other teams from various Centers of Excellence in the client's organization. A simple upgrade turned into a project that ran for over half a year. And by agreeing to this approach, I probably cost the client around $300,000. Of course it was mostly their own organization that ran up the cost, and they asked for this in the first place, so they never gave me any grief.

Comment Re:Future prediction... (Score 1) 234

(And during the few moments that we have left
We want to talk right down to earth in a language
That everybody here can easily understand)

Look in my eyes, what do you see?
The Cult of Personality
I know your anger
I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
I'm the Cult of Personality
Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the Cult of Personality
The Cult of Personality
The Cult of Personality

Neon lights, a Nobel Prize
When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You won't have to follow me
Only you can set me free

I sell the things you need to be
I'm the smiling face on your TV
I'm the Cult of Personality
I exploit you
Still you love me
I tell you one and one makes three
I'm the Cult of Personality

Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
I'm the Cult of Personality
The Cult of Personality
The Cult of Personality

Neon lights, a Nobel Prize
When a leader speaks, that leader dies
You won't have to follow me
Only you can set you free

You gave me fortune
You gave me fame
You gave me power in your God's name
I'm every person you need to be
I'm the cult of personality!

I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of
I'm the Cult of

Comment Re:That's still exactly what it was (Score 1) 234

Water falls out of the sky in most of the world.

Sadly, in more and more parts of it, it's becoming illegal to collect it. And mind you, I'm not talking about diverting seasonal drainage, I'm talking about collecting rainfall from your roof, let alone from a structure purpose-built for collecting water like you commonly see in areas with high rainfall and low government interference.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 377

Is that a quote from somewhere? Who said that?

I'm pretty sure the last part is something I read someplace, if not verbatim then next door, and attached to a similar sentiment. There Will Be Idiots is my motto these days, so it crept in there. I can't find anything, either. Whatever it originally was, I probably read it here.

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