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Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

No, you can choose to agree with the opinion, or not to.

Force requires an actual action. If you decide your only choices are to believe, or deny reality, it sounds like you already agree with the opinion, and have some cognitive dissonance because it conflicts with what you expected to believe. Notice how the other party isn't involved in any of that? Those actions are all your own.

Comment Re:Land of insanity (Score 1) 421

Judging from your user id, a few decades before your great grandpappy was born.

And I did use a bunch of "magic words," like kill, cook alive, etc.

Also, I paralleled a hate crime and attempted to let the horror of it speak for itself; I made no attempt to explicitly declare the actions as deplorable.

I stand by my claim, though. There will be outliers, and you can find excessive responses to art, and ignoring real violence.

You didn't even address the main point, which was that you were spewing bigoted anti-Americanism based on an outlier that will exist in any populous nation, and accused us of being unique in having negative outliers.

Comment Re:Please, don't tell them ... (Score 1) 421

You might need a citation for that. Where did I claim to be policing everyone, or to be your mommy?

Are you absolutely sure that being against his arrest requires you to misconstrue the actual events?

Is your reading comprehension truly so low that you couldn't read what I said and discover that I was advocating an in-school mental health response?

Do you claim I have no business discussing how schools in my own community should respond to situations? Who is the "busybody mom," again?

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 1) 848

I clearly meant the largest holder that isn't... ourselves. In the context of trade wars and international relations, it should be assumed that the external parts are being discussed.

Loans to them don't matter, because the debt is mostly one-way, China buying US bonds. A tiny bit of debt in the other way can be subtracted off the top and ignored. Doesn't matter who it is to or the details, because it is a tiny, tiny bit.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

Well, you know, of course it is human nature to feel a little temporary [whatever] when the critics talk.

But like another artist once said; the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

So they really "have no complaint" about the critics being, uhm, critical. The work either sucks, so who cares, or it is worth talking about, so critics talking about it provides just desserts.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 2) 1262

You conflate having an opinion with "forcing" it on people.

1. You have an opinion
2. ...
3. violence!

Notice the whole claim of "violence" is predicated on the word "forcing," which in this case is a verb. Notice the complete lack of action though. So just from that we can see it is a false accusation; the only action taken was giving his own opinion. But you lie, and claim he took an action to "force" his opinion on you. But you're not forced to believe every opinion you hear; that is silly, and shows a misunderstanding even over the word opinion. Then you double down on the lie, by claiming the "force" not only exists, but was violent.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

If you find depictions of hookers being abused and murdered, or the dead bodies of women posed seductively, as life-defining, you are not typical.

Getting arrested for making death threats is also not "typical," and I have no problem believing that these people hold both of these characteristics.

I agree with what you're saying, but I did want to point out that in the "Goth" and similar communities it is common for both men and women to role-play necrophilia, and they generally associate that with their whole personal and artistic sense of self; fake necrophilia is part of being a [whatever group they are], and being a [group] is how they define themselves.

Of course, threatening people with death for disagreeing that it is healthy is usually NOT a defining trait in any of these groups. In fact, there is a word for groups that add that sort of thing to their collective sense of self: gangs.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

Huh. I'm male, and I didn't feel insulted.

That's cool, but that's irrelevant. You're not everyone.

He's more important than you are, you're still wet behind the ears. Look at his user id, he's probably been playing games since your parents were in diapers.

Oh, and protip: you're not everyone, either! He spoke for himself, and you can speak for yourself. And as somebody who spent the 80s playing "Moon Unit (cracked by the Nibbler)" on the Apple ][, I totally agree. In the old days game designers assumed gamers were nerds, and showed respect for our intelligence and basic decency. Now they accuse us of being disgusting, mindless brutes.

If game designers respected the male mind, I'd have games other than Civilization * to play. Luckily there is internet chess. Men are such brutes though, only half of them say "good game" after winning. ;)

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

She doesn't say men are evil, she says that neckbeards are destroying the gaming experience for both men and women.

I'm a man, and I love my wife, therefore I wouldn't participate in any community that is full of misogynists. It is disgusting and games do not provide the level of benefit that would be required to get me to spend time in a culture that hates me and hates my family and hates me and my family for loving and respecting each other.

If you spend time reading your game "friends" saying these nasty things, you're a neckbeard, not a man.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1) 1262

It's reasonable to expect all people to refrain from credibly threatening the lives of others.

Sorry, but it really is unreasonable to expect ALL people from credibly threatening the lives of others. After all, these are people we are talking about

It is reasonable to expect people not to commit murder. Knowing that humans are humans, we can only expect that some will be unreasonable, and do it anyways. It is then reasonable to expect them to face Justice. Knowing that humans are humans, we can only expect that some will escape Justice.

Reasonable expectations are what those with Reason are likely to do. It does not mean any sort of guarantee, or imply a believe in absolutes, or claim that all humans are or will be reasonable.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 2) 1262

I'm still fuzzy on what constitutes a "credible" vs. non-credible death threat. Specific details?

If it is phrased as a joke, then it is not credible. If it is an impossible scenario, then it is not credible. "If you don't shut up I'm going to send a bunch of Cardassians to your planet!" Or if they admit they don't know where you are, then it is not credible. "If I knew where you lived, you'd be toast!"

You can get the whole thing from the semantics of the words "credible" and "non-credible," by checking if it is non-credible. If it has something as mentioned above that makes it "non-credible," then it is not credible. If it doesn't contain only of those things, and is just a threat, without anything to discredit it, and it contains claims of having access to you, such as knowing your address, then it is clearly credible.

Note that "credible" doesn't say, "actually planned and they're at the door" or anything like that. If it is not non-credible, then it is credible; if they make it sound like they might really do it, then that is clearly and indisputably a "credible" threat. But if you can't tell, then it is credible as a threat.

Dictionary gives "able to be believed; convincing." And: "capable of persuading people that something will happen or be successful."
Synonyms are: believable, plausible, tenable, able to hold water, conceivable, likely, probable, possible, feasible, reasonable, with a ring of truth, persuasive

A threat such as, "I know where you live in Sometown, Somestate and I've been tracking your location and I'm gonna [felony] and [felony] you!" Clearly plausible as a threat; you'd have to know independently if they are or are not stalking you in order to determine it. But the claim itself is that they are stalking you, so the stalking part is plausible, and if they are stalking you, then the rest is even likely.

"You're so lame, if I met you I'd totally [felony] you." Not very plausible as an actual threat.

Comment Re:Alternate views (Score 2) 848

"R" that you're quoting is the Russian government propaganda rag. You can actually check them on real events in the world, and then check back in 6 months and see what was the truth. They're full of lies every time. I wouldn't trust them for a baseball score.

Check back in 6 months, compare what they reported on this conflict to what really happened. Because they were reporting the Ukrainian protests as being a bunch of Fascists who, if they had their way, would be building concentration camps for Russian speakers. Of course, the protesters won, got new elections, and turned out to be what they appeared to be; moderate youths who want increased relations with the EU.

Comment Re:Cut the Russians Off (Score 4, Insightful) 848

Well, for the US an open conflict started by China in our bond market, that would naturally leave them frozen out of it. They enjoy buying our bonds, so they'd be cutting their own nose. And as the largest bond holder, they'd be destroying their own investments. Our continued bilateral economic friendliness is a basic requirement for China to get any return on those investments.

When they're the biggest bond holder, attacking the market would risk losing their investment, and for the US, our risk is that we would have to write off a bunch of debt. We'd come out ahead in the long term; they could trash our federal budget for a couple years, but most of the US economy is private and independent of the government.

Also, in the short term the dollar would drop, and China would have increased costs in keeping their currency pegged low against. Likely it would rise. That would lower the value of their giant pot of cash, which would be growing quickly without bond purchases. They would be stuck with shrinking liquid assets where they used to have an increasing investment portfolio.

So, no. The whole situation is an object lesson in not buying somebody's debt if you want them to be your enemy; you'll only be able to afford them as friends. China may not be our "best" friend, but their economic friendliness runs deep. Trillions of dollars deep.

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