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Comment Re:People forget about people. (Score 1) 81

Adam and Eve were cursed because of their disobedience, not because of doubt.

Zechariah asked how he could be sure, and was made mute for a time. Afterwards he praised God. In other words, his doubt was answered. It should be noted that the Abraham, the father of the faith, was also old and had a barren wife. As a priest, Zechariah should have known about that example.

Nothing happened to Thomas because he doubted, apart from Jesus making a personal appearance to assuage his doubts.

The disciples of Jesus were continually doubting. Did Jesus let Peter drown when he was walking on the water and grew afraid? When Jesus commissioned his followers to go into the world and make disciples, were any of them cursed for doubting? No.

It is not doubting, but disobedience that God finds offensive.

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