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Comment Re:Please fix slashdot (Score 1) 116

I don't think there's a /. classic any more, since the beta seems to be gone, or at least not actively being promoted

It exists, but it's well hidden in account preferences. I use a classicish mode which is good because it's the only way to read -1 moderated comments (-1 comments seem to be impossible to read from the default UI). Unfortunately, the devs test changes very rarely with classic mode, so things break often.

Comment Re:Because its impossible to get rackspace (Score 1) 107

So you leave zombies on the wire, staking your claim. Then when you need the space, you swap it. Otherwise it's an endless wait for power, cooling, CAB, governance, and all sorts of fail.

No you get to keep the rack/rack units/cage space once you have acquired it as long as you pay your bill.

In a co-location environment, yes. In a standard business environment, the GP's response is true.
Of course, the article's definition of "useful" might not be a sysadmin's definition of "useful". Redundant machines, backup machines, extra capacity machines, dev machines, test machines, support machines, etc. all might be considered non-useful to customers, sales department, HR, or the CEO.

Comment The flip side of this policy (Score 1) 290

What if someone uses a real name that is not their own? Someone made a new account with a friend's maiden name using a scantily clad photo with her face photoshopped on and started sending friend requests to all her friends (her friend list was public at that time). It took weeks for FB to react to her and all of her friends flagging the account as fake.

Comment Re:Maybe, but you won't make it past HR (Score 1) 255

Why would you need MS Office to communicate with others. That's what we have e-mail and phones and a number of other tools for.

You open up excel, enter fields, take a screenshot, include that screenshot in a word docx, then attach that docx to an outllook email, asking the recipient to edit the excel cells. That's why many in the business world need MS Office.

Comment Re:Don't worry, they'll try again (Score 1) 229

Except that this action took place in Florida, which is a Right-to-Work state, which severely limits the effectiveness of unionization.

Not when the "union" is being formed because all the prospective members are being fired and told to train their replacements. Just because you can't force coworkers to unionize in the good years doesn't mean they don't recognize the value in the bad years.

Comment Re:Say Good By to the Rainforests .... (Score 0) 851

atheism isn't a religion

True. Atheism has no tradition, stories of faith, or organizational structure (things a religion usually requires), but it is an expression of pure faith. Atheism might even be considered the ultimate faith: it is defined by a negative, which means it can never be proven true. Never being proven true means it must always be taken on faith. There are no witnesses to atheism. No prophets or mystics with direct experience of the lack of the divine.

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