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Comment Re:Ads (Score 1) 330

And so a whole new generation of gamers will learn the pain and heartache of a loved name from their childhood getting ruined by a poorly-thought-out corporate-developed sequel.

At least Star Control 3 wasn't a poorly thought out corporate developed sequel. The melee was so well thought out that there was an A.I. override built in and advertised in the manual to make the A.I. ships act suicidal. That takes planning.

Comment Re: Reliability is key. (Score 1) 600

And this is good thing. The second amendment doesn't specify how much it costs to bear the arms. Only that you're allowed to. So yeah don't ban guns, just increase the cost of possessing them so that only those really really really into guns will go for it.

If we are going to do that, pay for your constitutional rights, how about about $1,000 per year to vote?

I like your ideas and want to subscribe to your newsletter.

Unfortunately, it will cost $100,000,000 per year to practice the free speech of publishing the newsletter, so it may never exist.

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