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Comment Re:fuck wil wheaton (Score 1) 512

So far he's killed ... Generator Rex. Ben 10. Teen titans.

These three were cartoons geared toward a demographic that quickly outgrows their current favorite shows. I happened to like them as an adult, but when they were canceled (or altered as in Ben 10 and Teen Titans), I didn't complain because I knew the target audience had changed.

Comment Re:Bullshit Made Up Language (Score 1) 512

It probably does, but the adults have evolved past the point of using language that way. For a modern example, imagine a group of nerds who haven't seen each other for a long time. They'll reminisce about days long past referring to common experiences, technical jargon, and Monty Python quotes. Most English speakers will find the conversation incomprehensible.

Comment Re:Bullshit Made Up Language (Score 1) 512

The unbelievable part is that the Tamarian's were advanced enough to built interstellar spacecraft and transporters but somehow they weren't smart enough to say to themselves "hmm, you know what, I bet they can't understand us because we only speak in metaphors".

They did, but it came out as "Shaka, when the walls fell."

Comment Re:It wasn't the computer (Score 1) 62

It's all the computer. The people making/training the system could be only 50% at their pain discrimination, but the computer can be trained up to 85% because it's a neural net doing the computer vision matches, and it gets trained. The computer is shown a billion videos of real pain, and told it is real pain. Then a billion videos of fake pain and told it's fake pain. A human might be able to do it at 85% (or better) if they looked at two billion videos to learn from. We shouldn't expect a human's instinctual awareness of pained facial features to be better than a trained professional's awareness of pained facial features, whether it's a human or computer doing the analysis.

Comment Re:Recycle! (Score 1) 323

How? By sending them to Soylent News?

Leela: We recycle everything. Robots are made from old beer cans.
Bender: Yeah! And this beer can is made outta old robots.
Leela: And that tech worker is made of old discarded tech workers. Nothing just gets thrown away.
Fry: The future is disgusting!

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