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Comment Re:When you can't tell the difference... (Score 1) 667

EULAs can use fancy words, knowing that average Joe is barely literate, and put them in various forms of electronic bondage. Credit card applications... you name it.

Actually, the reason why legal language is so complex is because it has to close loopholes that crazy pedantic intelligent people find.

It's the idea of "you have to be smarter to debug a piece of code than to write it."

This specifically comes to a head in that boilerplate contracts are automatically interpreted as opposing the interests of the drafter as the language allows.

Comment Re:Dialects != Language (Score 4, Informative) 667

I imagine that you think Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are all different languages...

In spelling, Norwegian has two methods of writing: Nynorsk, and Bokmål... one is more like Swedish, the other is more like Danish, respectively...

But in the end, it's all just spelling the spelling, as they're all mutually intelligible. There is less different between the Scandinavian languages than Spanish and especially Arabic.

There is less difference between Romanian and Moldavian than there is between American and British English, yet some Moldavians insist that they speak a different language in order to create an "us vs them"

Linguists know that a language is just a dialect with an army.

Comment Some pedants are more pedantic than others... (Score 2) 667

The grammatical rules invoked by pedants aren’t real rules of grammar at all. They are, at best, just stylistic conventions."

Some of us pedants are aware of how non-grammar the "grammar" rules are, and actually champion wider usage!

Double negatives are totally awesome, and there's no reason to think they're bad. Split infinitives are totally ok too, because the "to" is not actually part of the real English infinitive! And ending sentences with a preposition is exactly what every Germanic language has, dones and always will do. Because it's not a preposition, it's a component of a complex verb.

Comment Re:I must be missing something. (Score 4, Insightful) 240

Indeed. Android allows you to swipe away a process from the "Running/Recent Tasks" list, which forces a program to shutdown...

"Always forever running, don't worry, when you come back it's there" is not really the best solution for everything... ESPECIALLY, if it continues to play audio...

Now, being able to tell an app like Pandora to keep playing after shutting down is entirely different...

Comment Re:TFS just has marketing (Score 1, Interesting) 71


It's common knowledge that Google has already been using consumer-grade drives for all of their servers. Because if a drive fails, "so what, we have another one over there holding the data..."

This is pretty much similar to what happened with GMail. They came out and said, "here, have a gigabyte for free!" and everyone was like, "yeah, right..."

Google has storage leaking out of its ears, and generates massive amounts of new data every day... sticking other people's data into the pile wouldn't even be a straw that breaks the camel's back... The camel is already hauling a hojillion ton rock, a straw isn't going to do shit.

DISCLAIMER: I worked for Google, this does not in any way reflect Google's official word on this news.


uTorrent Quietly Installs Cryptocurrency Miner 275

New submitter Eloking sends news that uTorrent, a popular BitTorrent client, is silently installing cryptocurrency mining software for many users. [uTorrent] brings in revenue through in-app advertising and also presents users with “offers” to try out third-party software when installed or updated. These offers are usually not placed on users’ machines without consent, but this week many users began complaining about a “rogue” offer being silently installed. The complaints mention the Epic Scale tool, a piece of software that generates revenue through cryptocurrency mining. To do so, it uses the host computer’s CPU cycles. ... The sudden increase in complaints over the past two days suggests that something went wrong with the install and update process. Several users specifically say that they were vigilant, but instead of a popup asking for permission the Epic Scale offer was added silently.

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