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Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

1. I live on the Hill in Seattle. I'm well aware of what is happening in this neighborhood.
2. The culture of Amazon's swelling ranks is not reflective of the overall tech industry. They hire so many young bros and shove money in their faces. The result is a whole bunch of rich man-children running around like they own the place. And increasingly, they do.
3. Regarding your article, it reinforces one of my points (the Hill's becoming less gay). The night life boom is absolutely a consequence of Amazon (and other tech) growth. It's frankly a disgusting scene. And it absolutely has all the ingredients to lead to increased violence toward queers in the neighborhood.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 2) 410

You're right. The deliberate attacks designed to terrorize my community don't matter because you don't care about the actual 20 people affected in the last year, nor the thousands of people who are denied the safe haven they previously found in their community. Small potatoes. So, we should just take it? Stop talking about it? Let it get worse still? When is it okay with you, a person who isn't affected, for us to stand up for our community?

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 2) 410

That's true when considering the same crime. It's not true when considering robbery versus beatings and murder. Stealing from someone because they have something you want isn't the same as hanging them because you don't like who they are.

I agree that "hate" doesn't make the same crime worse. I don't agree that "black on black crime" is the same as a lynching or a gay bashing.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 1) 410

Need evidence of this.

Finally! For links, you can find a ton of positive attributes of a diverse society by googling "diversity leads to", but to be more direct:

Being exposed to different cultures can cause conflict, but it can also cause reflection. In a truly diverse society, where diverse members of the society are treated as peers, people are accountable for the way they relate to members of the community who are not of the same group. Accountability is a powerful equalizer. The cases where "diversity" is represented as conflict, it's absolutely not the case that the non-dominant members are peers.

I would caution that it's inappropriate to treat as "diversity" a scenario where a dominant group is intermixed with a subject group for their exploitation. Otherwise, the Antebellum South of the US was among the most diverse societies in history. I don't think anyone would ever claim this.

There'd be no rape, robbery, or violence. People would keep to themselves like social shut-ins tend to do.
Sounds fantastic.

People attack each other, shout slurs and publicly express wishes of others' death. Slashdot is overflowing with hostility and it's barely possible to have a coherent discussion. I can't think of another corner of the Internet where people hurl "nigger" or "fag" at each other more. I can think of few places so quick to ignore arguments and resort to generalized attacks about any perceived identity. Don't take this the wrong way, but this is one of the worst places on the Internet.

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