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Comment Re:And in totally unrelated news.... (Score 1) 383

The valuable and talented employees will not be laid off and they know it.

You're saying that they trust their management to make the right decision? Maybe, but if they are as bright as I hope, they would have a healthy lack of faith in their management based off Windows 8/Windows Phone 8.

Comment Re:And in totally unrelated news.... (Score 4, Insightful) 383

That means, for over 6 months, Microsoft employees won't know for sure whether they will be laid off or kept.

Which means the most talented and valuable employees will find new jobs before there are layoffs, and Microsoft will end up keeping the ones that couldn't find a job elsewhere.

How does this make Microsoft better?

Comment Re:You keep using that word... (Score 2) 710

I think so, but normally they don't draw less power, but just produce more light.

I suppose they could be considered slightly more efficient if you use less of them to cover a given area, or if you are only measuring lumens per watt.

Just looked it up:

Yes, halogens are slightly more efficient, on average, but the best tungsten incandescent is more efficient that the worst halogen.

Comment Re:He does know what it means (Score 1) 710

Which is technically also called halogen because that describes the type of gas inside

Wait, I just listed noble gasses, and you corrected me that they're also called halogen, which is the group NEXT to the nobles. On what planet do you call those gasses halogens?

Had I listed fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine, you'd be correct.

Comment You keep using that word... (Score 2) 710

Halogen. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Halogen lights run VERY hot and bright, but do not offer any energy savings, as they are still incandescent (glowing resistor) lamps.

Do you perhaps mean fluorescent or compact-fluorescent lamps (CFL)? They are filled with low pressure mercury vapor and argon, xenon, neon, or krypton. They are about the same efficiency as LED, but are slow to come to full brightness as you describe.

Otherwise, great post. Completely agree on the advantages of LED. I've actually skipped the bulb-style and have started installing LED strips with a standalone 12vDC converter.

Comment Re:There's an "ick factor" but... (Score 1) 242

Exactly. My town pulls drinking water from a river, then sends the sewage out a mile downstream.
The next town 10 miles to the south gets all of our sewage (somewhat treated), and does some treatment itself, then repeats the process.

My guess is that the "closed loop" system from TFA is actually cleaner than what I'm drinking, simply because they know they are dealing with something completely polluted to begin with and have to win the public on it.

Comment Re:Brilliant... (Score 1) 158

Not all of us like the sun still being up past 9pm. Some of us hate hearing lawnmowers and having the sun shine in when we're trying to put our kids to bed. Some of us want to look at the stars with our children, but can no longer do it.

If we're basing the clock off the sun, then adjust to local time and leave it alone.
If we're not basing the clock off the sun, we all should use UTC.

Comment Black Swan (Score 4, Insightful) 164

There WILL be another 9/11. This stuff happens, and it CAN NOT be 100% avoided.

You can do some things that could help (hint: the issue with 9/11 wasn't a lack of info, but a lack of communication. We still have this problem regardless what the NSA does), but you can't stop it from ever happening.

So, no matter what things you do to prevent 9/11, something like it will happen again. The Boston Marathon bombings, while much less severe, show that even with the super surveillance, people dedicated to cause death can do it, and always will be able to.

What makes for more interesting discussion is if there are ways of preventing the root causes for wanting to cause death. Perhaps that can be more effective than ignoring what the cause is & trying to stop the effect?

Comment Re:Oh my ... (Score 1) 253

We do agree. So the two of us are good, maybe 200,000 others in the USA, give or take 100,000.

The rest want bars on the school doors and windows to prevent shoot shootings that are a fraction of the deaths caused by the cars they drive their kids to school in. They keep the kids inside so they don't get kidnapped while their kid gets a higher risk of death from poor fitness. They support the "war on drugs" and the "war on terror".

I honestly don't know what to do about them. If I try to talk about it, their eyes roll back into their head.
If I talk about sports or the hit show, they're enthralled.

Again, Huxley was right.

Comment Re:Oh my ... (Score 2) 253

Yes. (Quote from Men in Black)

I want the truth. I don't want to be protected by ignorance.

However, I'm not sure if the majority of people actually feel this way. My wife and I are truthful to the other, in the extreme. It has meant our first year of marriage was AWFUL, and here 15 years later it is AMAZING, and continuing to get better. It is hard to speak and accept the truth, but it is worth it IF you are willing to handle it.

Again, I'm not sure everyone, or even a majority, is willing to handle it correctly. It is an honest question.

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