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Comment old telephones (Score 1) 702

Those old rotary and touch-tone phones from the telephone company in the 70s/80s. I think we had the same one from 1976 to the early 90's, and that thing took a lot of abuse from three kids. It was constantly being yanked off the counter but the handset cord, and the plastic cover would come off, but the thing was a tank. It never stopped working

Comment Re:If this were the US.... (Score 1) 408

I really think it's some kind of disorder/obsession - People that are obsessed with politics and can't help themselves from steering every discussion into "it's the other [evil] party's fault and I'm going to tell you why right now" This one guy I worked with didn't even care if his little jokes made sense. We were walking through a parking garage once, and we were startled by an SUV driving too fast around a corner. He said "Probably a liberal, Massachusetts plates! *chuckle*". Even the more obvious joke about the political bent of an SUV owner wouldn't be remotely funny. At least not to me, it's just unoriginal. He did have a good sense of humor at times, but a dig on democrats seemed to be his default.
He never said anything hateful, he was just very smug. He rarely went into angry rants about politics, but I would avoid conversation with him, because it would inevitably turn into a political discussion. He wasn't a troll, I think he was just preoccupied with politics, it was always at the forefront of his mind, and everything negative in the world could be attributed to liberal democrats.
(He was a libertarian in 2004, probably still is)

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