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Comment Re:Yay! Democrats! (Score 1) 403

Stalin is the end result of socialism and which it decays too. Typically there are two scales one with Socialism where Communism and Fascism are at either end of the scale, for the free-market or better known as freedom scale there is anarchy and authoritarianism. If we put society over the individual, we will always slide into some form of despotism/dictatorship/oligarchy, the old saying goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely". When you have the few controlling the majority that's bound to happen at least as history shown us. Maybe there should be a saying "all roads of socialism lead to Stalin"?!?

Comment Re:Yay! Democrats! (Score 1) 403

"Stalin was right wing also, and most likely Mao was too. Despite the appeal to collectivism, both were strong authoritarians who created a new ruling class to replace the old. That makes them right wing" Really? this a new one, So Barrack Obama is a Right winger too, since he's very authoritarian. By your definition there is no Left wing.

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