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Comment Re:No such thing in real gambling (Score 1) 340

It's 34 orders of magnitude more complex. *34*. That's fucking huge.

Take the size of the search space as rule of thumb. I remember 1Gb drives becoming run of the mill about 17 years ago. 1Tb drives were, what, about 5 years ago (i might be behind the times)? So let's say you can do 3 orders of magnitude in about 12 years.

That makes 408 years before we can solve no limit hold'em, unless the rate of complexity of computers accelerates, which it might, who knows, but even so, we're not going to compress that down to 5 years.

To get to a harddisc that could contain 10^34 times as much information on an 11Tb disc, you would need to blow past petabytes,exabytes, zettabytes and yottabytes, and that's not going to happen in 5 years.

Comment Re:Bitcoin != Coins (Score 1) 108

During these "bitcoin is a scam" arguments, no one ever seems talks about using bitcoin for what it was designed. As an alternative medium of exchange. I would never keep money in bitcoin, because it's chaotic. I never keep money in my paypal account either, but that's not what it's for - it's just a very useful tool for buying things in certain circumstances.

Comment Re:The Legit Bay (Score 1) 81

It's still not theft. If you were stealing someone's creative work you would be going to where they keep their source materials and removing them, depriving the creator of access to their work. What you are doing when you pirate something is experiencing the work without remunerating the creator.

These are two separate and distinct acts, with entirely different consequences. Not giving something to someone is not the same as taking something away from someone. Now you can argue that both situations are equally reprehensible if that is your judgement. But they are not synonymous. There are subtle but important differences that underpin the whole argument, and coherent discussion can't proceed unless you appreciate this difference.

Precise use of language is important, as it reduces muddled thinking and enables a clear argument to be made. Banging out the word "theft" at every opportunity as an appeal to your own emotional response to the injustice you perceive is preventing you from understanding the other side of the argument.

Comment inneffectual Whack-a-mole (Score 2) 80

Presumably they aren't allowed to block proxybay.info because that is always up, and just gives you the working pirate bay proxy du jour. I'm not sure what the significance or notability of them blocking a members only torrent site is though. Irrespective of what access people have to it, it's still a torrent site. Or am I missing something?

Comment Re:Alternative? (Score 1) 377

You expressed your point by saying " the same way that homeopathy can cure major illnesses. i.e. it may be true". All anyone gets from reading that sentence is that you're saying Homeopathy hasn't been thoroughly discredited as a scientific concept, which it clearly has. It "may be true" in the same sense that I may spontaneously teleport to mars due to quantum chance.

Comment Re:Its prison (Score 1) 356

I agree, pills don't help unless you have some kind of identifiable chemical deficiency. But i'd argue that anger is pretty much the fuel of depression. You can't be happy until you let go of anger. Sure you can feel some visceral satisfaction in directing your anger at other people, and it's much less painful than repressing it or turning it on yourself, but in the end, you're still angry, not happy.

Comment Re:Its prison (Score 1) 356

We can set aside the distinction between clinical/nonclinical depression, because for both of those cases you're implying that somehow the sufferer deserves the condition they have presumably due to what you regard as neglect, cowardice or laziness, and they should be given no consideration as requiring any kind of outside assistance or special care. They are just "sad" and should get over themselves. For both clinical and non-clinical depression that is a gross misunderstanding of the situation.

It's about you, and how you perceive the world.

And unfortunately, a lot of the time that perception is sufficiently distorted that the sufferer has no hope of correcting it without therapy and outside assistance. It's not like they can just "man up" one day and abracadabra, they're cured, because after all, they were just choosing to feel sorry for themselves all along. The emotional pain inflicted by depression exerts tremendous influence on what the sufferer is able to believe.

It's not some mystical force.

And neither is human willpower. The concious decision making part of the mind is heavily manipulated by the emotional part, and often outright controlled by it.

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