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Comment Premature Eguessulation (Score 5, Insightful) 28

Shouldn't we wait until the probe actually arrives and gets details before speculating?

There are bright spots on Ganymede (Jupiter moon) that are probably from meteors smashing into its icy surface.

Even our moon has Tycho crater which is surrounded with bright dust due to the recency of the impact. (Radiation tends to darken soil and rocks over time.) Volcano claims are premature.

Comment Re:Please tell me this is satire (Score 3, Insightful) 320

The Onion is not fake, they are just ahead of reality. They predicted:

- RIAA sues radio stations for playing free music

- Gillette creates 5-blade razor

- Neil Armstrong's widow cleans out closet of "space crap" (finds museum gems)

- Joe The Plumber ("dude" pundit)

- Charlie Sheen going violent

- Newly elected Bush announcing era of peace and prosperity is over (911, Iraq, mortgage crash)

- Ann Coulter saying radiation good for you. (Oh wait, Onion missed that one.)

Comment Re:Boom and Bust (Score 1) 176

Let me clarify. Usually there's a list of skills an employer wants and the chance of anybody's background matching perfectly is astronomic. There will be some from that list that require learning new tool sets.

If a citizen matches 3 of 6 and the visa candidate matches 4 or 6, is that really a "shortage of techies"? Of course we all want exactly what we want. But there are societal consequences of letting co's be prima-donna's.

Comment Posing vs. Working (Score 2) 87

A manager's time is typically very limited. They have to deal with technical issues (the domain), office politics, and administrative stuff like budgets, vacation requests, procurement approvals, etc.

Is it better they spend a slot of time snooping on an employee, or discussing known issues with them face to face?

And those not familiar with the tasks at hand for a group will judge employees on superficial things typically, meaning the employee will spend more effort on acting and posing for a domain-ignorant monitor.

Thus, those who do know the details of the job are probably better served with direct old-fashioned communication, and those who don't know are ill-suited to make a good judgement.

Comment Re:Boom and Bust (Score 1) 176

The criteria for "no citizen is qualified" needs to be more realistic, especially during busts. These company-specific "tool stack fits" are ridiculous. Somebody who knows Python can typically learn Php in a few months, for example, and not having paid Php experience should NOT be a legitimate reason to discard such a citizen.

Maybe citizens should have a right to protest rejections in court etc. Why should the system just take a co's word for it?

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