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Comment Re:Weakness? (Score 1) 220

If only one of the drives is encrypted, then remove it and recover it to a non-encrypted drive. Clearly this is not what you are talking about.
    With several drives, all encrypted, you should be good, bugs in the _implementation_ notwithstanding.
    Whether the drives have the same keys or not doesn't matter - a drive has to be block encrypted since it's random access and thus 5 drives with the same key aren't much different than 1 drive 5 times as large.
    Any info that can leak out of five drives striped could just as easily leak out of a single appropriately arranged file on one drive.
    If AES is implemented properly that would mean no significant info in both cases.
    Since the application is closed source, in 'hardware' (firmware/fpga? who knows) we'll just hope it's secure. For a corp, it means that they are less likely to be successfully sued for being security idiots, though - which is likely what would drive such purchases.

Microfluidic Chips Made With Shrinky Dinks 149

SoyChemist writes "When she started her job as a new professor at UC Merced, Michelle Khine was stuck without a clean room or semiconductor fabrication equipment, so she went MacGyver and started making Lab-on-a-Chip devices in her kitchen with Shrinky Dinks, a laser printer, and a toaster oven. She would print a negative image of the channels onto the polystyrene sheets and then shrink them with heat. The miniaturized pattern served as a perfect mold for forming rounded, narrow channels in PDMS — a clear, synthetic rubber."
Emulation (Games)

Submission + - Transgaming abondoning cedega Or unable to fix WoW ( 3

Anonymous writes: Traditionally, TransGaming has responded quickly to WoW patch issues and not only communicated its efforts via its Web site and user forum, but issued a game engine update that fixes the problem within a matter of days. This time around, though, TransGaming representatives have ignored the 2.2.0 patch problems and refused to respond to bug reports and forum posts related to these issues. When I sent TransGaming a press request email asking what was going on, I was not given the benefit of a reply. ........ The only good news is, the latest Wine release solves all of the problems that Cedega has with WoW patch 2.2.0, so you don't need to go running back to Windows just yet, but you do need to install and configure Wine. Hope you're not missing out on any raids in the meantime.

Feed Prior Art On Verizon's VoIP Patents (

Dan Berninger has been deeply involved in the VoIP world for many years. If you need to know anything about the early days of VoIP, Berninger is worth talking to. These days, he's an analyst for Tier1Research and has just published (and emailed to us) a note looking at the claims in Verizon's VoIP patents that a judge has ruled Vonage infringed on. There are just a few problems with that ruling -- with the key one being that the concepts in those patents were clearly discussed and published by others prior to the patent being filed. Berninger says that the ideas were discussed at the VoIP forum meeting in 1996 and published in January of 1997. The patents in question were filed after that. I've included Berninger's note after the jump. However, due to the fun way the patent system works, introducing that kind of prior art to the USPTO for it to review the validity of Verizon's VoIP patents will take quite a bit of time and effort -- much longer than Vonage has to fight Verizon in court.

Feed How The Sensory-deprived Brain Compensates (

Whiskers provide a mouse with essential information. These stiff hairs relay sensory input to the brain, which shapes neuronal activity. In a first, studies of this system show just how well a mouse brain can compensate when limited to sensing the world through one whisker.

Submission + - Oil Production Peak Looms

anthemaniac writes: Oil prices are rising again and 'will move inexorably higher' in the face of 'a stormy geopolitical climate' according to one analyst. We're all used to seeing oil prices rise and fall because of global politics and big-business policies, of course. But what if the amount of oil that can be produced reaches a peak? Talk about a stormy geopolitical climate. That's just what a new Swedish study predicts might happen next year. Fredrik Robelius, a physicist and petroleum engineer, analyzed the production rates of 333 existing giant oil fields known and concludes the global production peak will occur between 2008 and 2018. Caltech physicist David Goodsteinagrees with the methodology and also thinks the peak is near. But the controversial prediction doesn't take into account new extraction technologies and other possible discoveries, critics say.

Submission + - Perhaps we shouldn't dismiss "Planet of the Ap

evilgiu writes: "Discovery News presents an article on a comparison between human and primate genomes with an interesting outcome:

A comparison of human and chimpanzee genes has revealed a startling possibility: chimps may have evolved more than humans in the 6 or 7 million years since both diverged from a common ancestor. A study comparing human and chimp genes that appear to have evolved since we parted ways shows that humans have about 154 such genes and our nearest primate relative a whopping 233.

Submission + - Windows "Patent Tax": $20 per copy

An anonymous reader writes: In light of tax day here in the U.S., a group has calculated the hidden patent costs, or "taxes," in each licensed copy of Windows. Turns out, at least $20 of your money is going to fund other patent holders and defend against patent lawsuits. "If the industry's largest company, with its immense patent portfolio, and its many fine patent attorneys, finds patents to be a bad business, shouldn't the rest of the industry take a hint?" says the article.

Submission + - Google Earth highlights Darfur

jc42 writes: NPR, PCworld, and some 400 other news sources (according to Google News) are reporting on a new Google feature: Google Earth, in cooperation with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum now presents details of the growing disaster in Darfur. They give a virtual tour of the area, with details of events in many villages in the words of local residents. So in addition to their "Do no evil" motto, they apparently now have a policy of exposing evil. Needless to say, the Sudan government didn't exactly cooperate with this project.
User Journal

Journal SPAM: Is Goodling's law degree worth the paper it is printed on? 12

Monica Goodling graduated from Regent the three years after it actually received accreditation. Why, you may ask did not the school have its accreditation? The easy answer is that it didn't deserve it because, well, it isn't really a law school. But, there is more to it than that.

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