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Comment Re:the Putin stage (Score 1) 294

I of course cannot speak to the motives of every person who got a sub-prime mortgage loan, but blaming people with bad credit for that crisis feels a lot like blaming the victims . It's possible these people, knowing their financial straights, would have never even considered buying a home. But here comes a letter from First National Never Trust telling them, "Hey, it's not as bad as you think!. You can OWN your house for just a bit more than you're paying in rent." And they trot out spreadsheets and graphs to back up that claim. So the financially challenged are thinking, "Wow, I had no idea! Sure!". You can buy that mail list you know. Give me every person in the United States who pays rent and has a sub-650 credit rating (or whatever the number). They're ambulance chasers.

And you want to blame the borrower for that? Wow. That's just willful ignorance; a total lack of understanding that companies, like people, need to take responsibility for their actions; and a complete lack of empathy for people being emotionally prayed upon by those companies.

Comment Re:His 'role in the site' (Score 1) 221

It's not about seeing both sides, it's about seeing what is there. If you can't acknowledge the basic facts, the bias is on your side. If you wanted to make an argument that they were operating legally because of linking, regardless of their obvious intent to allow sharing of copyrighted files, you'd at least have an argument based in reality.

Comment Re:His 'role in the site' (Score 1) 221

I know its easy to make things black and white, but everyone who has followed it should be able to understand they go out of their way to make it as grey as possible.

Whatever. Your defense of ISP "common carrier" status are bunk. There's nothing gray about their intentions to support file sharing of copyrighted works, and they explicitly did not hide that fact -- quite the opposite. The only gray issue was if they were operating within the law regardless, because they never hosted copyrighted works. That has been their defense the whole time.

Get a clue and stop spouting bullshit.

Comment Re: Go away slavery freak (Score 3, Informative) 294

Gotta love the liberal revisionist history. If the civil war was only about slavery:

1) Why were there Union states that still allowed slavery?
2) Why did it take Lincoln two years AFTER the war started to deliver the emancipation proclamation?
3) Why were there Union states that still did not abolish slavery AFTER the emancipation proclamation and even AFTER the Civil War?

The answer is simple. Lincoln was willing to tolerate the status quo of slavery to preserve the Union. However, he was determined to prevent slavery from being established in the new territories. The South decided that wasn't good enough and decided to secede. The emancipation proclamation was meant to punish and undermine the states in rebellion.

You can argue that the war was also about the right of secession, but the issue of slavery was the cause for the split, and of that there is no doubt.

Comment Re:That's not it. (Score 1) 126

If that's the worst criticism you have of Perl, then it's doing pretty well for itself.

It's the worst example of many. Too many sigils and too much magic in Perl.

I remain amazed at how many people bash Perl for its syntax and then proceed to praise PHP as some sort of bastion of web language design sanity.

Like who? PHP is well-known for being a hacked together language, and it clearly shows its Perl inspiration. PHP is a prime example of "worse is better". Python is the language that gets all the praise for good, clean design. And while I could nitpick Python, compared to Perl it is a bastion of sanity.

Comment Re:His 'role in the site' (Score 1, Insightful) 221

Sorry, this is a bullshit argument. The administrators set out to create a site to assist in piracy, hence their name, hence their advertising that you can find TV shows, movies, etc on the site. It's not even a secret. You are either engaging in sophistry or are naive to claim they are a neutral "common carrier" status.

Since you are either playing dumb or otherwise, here it is, spelled out for you:

As befits an organization of global disrepute, Pirate Bay had its beginnings not in Scandinavia but in far-off Mexico City, where Gottfrid Svartholm was working, in 2003, for an Internet-security firm. As a devout member of Sweden's pro-piracy Web site Pirate Bureau, Svartholm agreed to use the security firm's servers to launch the Swedes' BitTorrent venture, and when he returned home the following year, he found a new accomplice in Fredrik Neij, a self-taught programmer who got his first job through a criminal act. "I hacked a company's service provider and put up obscene messages," says Neij. "The company said work for us or we prosecute." Asked why he committed the original act of vandalism, Neij responds brightly, "Because I could!"

By the time Neij got involved with Pirate Bay (there is a third, silent partner, named "Peter"), the site had effectively outgrown its host. "We had no idea it would happen," says Rasmus Fleischer, co-founder of Pirate Bureau. "It started off as just a little part of the site. Our forum was more important. Even the links were more important than the [torrent] tracker."

With a membership of more than 60,000, Pirate Bureau was originally devoted to the unofficial distribution of music files; expanded bandwidth enabled the transmission of video files. Fleischer neatly summarizes the ethos of his site: "We don't want to reform copyright lawâ"we just don't want the state to enforce it."

Fleischer likes to frame the copyright issue in historical and theoretical terms, expounding on ideas about "how value is produced in the cultural sector." He sees the notion of music copyright in particular as a transitory construct. "This has been the business model for some bit of the 20th century," he says. "Music has always worked in different economic ways, and copyright has only applied to a few genres historically."

Does that sound like a neutral ISP to you?

Comment Re:His 'role in the site' (Score 1) 221

TPB exists entirely on the premise of facilitating file sharing using the bittorrent protocol. It does not have the means to check copyrights, and media cartels have demonstrated they cannot be trusted to provide advise on what is copyrighted. They have no choice but to remove themselves from such decisions, just like google does.

Get real here. The Pirate Bay explicitly set out to link to copyrighted materials.

Comment Re:Pedophiles no worse than others (Score 0) 224

Even down to the AMBER alert thing.
Every time I see shows about abducted children it starts off with: "we never thought it could happen in a safe neighborhood where all the children run around unsupervised".
What kind of retards are these people?

Many of these cases involve a parent with legal visitation rights who takes off with the children. But congratulations on feeling superior to people who have been victimized by crime.

Comment Re:That's not it. (Score 1) 126

I really wish people would stop saying this. It's certainly possible to write horribly obfuscated Perl, deliberately or otherwise, just as it's possible to write C, or Python, or anything else in a nearly unreadable way. I'll grant that Perl maybe allows you to get away with a bit more.

I really wish people would stop defending Perl in the manner. Perl's sigil madness is endemic to the language. Yes, you can avoid some of the craziness (such as "use English"), but good luck to you once you start using references.

Comment Re:Registration != ownership (Score 1) 264

Anonymous Coward wrote:

But judging by your username and tone, I wouldn't be surprised if you were an IP lawyer who prefers the USPTO to approve everything that gets put in front of them so that you can make money from the settlements this will inevitably make.

Still stands. You don't handle trademarks, but the same issues arise in patents. Bad trademarks and bad patents just feed parasitic lawyers.

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