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Comment Re:And it's gonna rain (Score 1) 83

I might be mistaken, but according to what Amazon's description of RDS, they don't support read replicas of MSSQL.

Using Read Replicas, Amazon RDS for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Amazon Aurora...

You can with Azure. You can also run your own SQL server if you prefer that as well, and you can set up VPNs and wall off sections, and even use your own local SQL server for fault tolerance (or performance of other local processes). I haven't seen anything you mentioned that you can't do in Azure (minus perhaps having a direct connect to their azure cloud -- but I haven't checked into that eitehr). It's just more difficult to set up with AWS.

Comment Re:And it's gonna rain (Score 1) 83

It's a hell of a package that makes things like Microsoft Azure look like a joke in comparison

I found the exact opposite, but we are mostly a Microsoft shop. Working with Azure was dead simple, including setting up auto-scaling (Which wasn't offered by Amazon, at least when we were looking), so that our website scales up during peak times, and drops back down during the quieter times, automatically. It also ahs staged publishing which we use a lot, and the ability to switch our public website between any of the multiple slots INSTANTLY with no downtime is also a very big plus. Again, something we couldn't do with AWS at the time we looked.

Publishing directly from Visual Studio is nice (Not offered with AWS -- except via FTP which does a complete site upload instead of only differences).
Automatic SQL Backups and rollbacks to point in time is also dead simple in Azure, but I'm not sure it is even possible in AWS outside buying an enterprise SQL Server license and managing it yourself.

Everything else we looked at was either better at Azure or the same between the two with the exception of their CDN, which I found better at Amazon than Azure at the time. As that wasn't a requirement for us, it was a pretty simple choice (even though we have both Azure and AWS corporate accounts). Our other departments that are java & PHP based prefer AWS however.

Comment Re:Google: Select jurors who understand stats. (Score 1) 349

The context is US employees. The majority of employees are in the US. Name your country with a significant number of Google employees in which Google routinely hires people who do not speak an official language of that country, please.

And what exactly is the official language of the US? Before you answer, perhaps you should look it up.

Comment Re:Google: Select jurors who understand stats. (Score 1) 349

I can't agree enough with this. How can this guy be expected to EVER master any (computer) language if he hasn't even mastered the basics of the English language after how many years? Computers change fast, and if you can't go from knowing nothing to being very very good in a language in a matter of a few months, you simply aren't very good.

Comment Re:Here's a better idea (Score 2) 678

California doesn't even come close to "grow[ing] most of the food in the country". The account for 13.2% of the food grown in the US. While that is good for a single state, it's falls far shy of "most". In fact, California, while nearly 3 times the size of Illinois in area, only generates slightly over twice the food. That seems a lot less impressive.

Comment Re:People are tribal even when they don't realize (Score 1) 247

Google is not a European company. Google has subsidiary companies that are registered in many countries, but they are mostly just sales offices. From your link: "We moved into our headquarters in Mountain View, California—better known as the Googleplex—in 2004.". Most international companies have subsidiaries where necessary -- either for tax purposes, or because the local governments require it.

Same thing for McDonalds, IBM, or any other multinational company.

Personally, I'd like to see Google just close their EU sales offices and let the EU eat dirt. Then they will just complain that they have absolutely no way of getting any EU companies listed in the search engine at all.

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