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Comment Re:they're a disaster (Score 1) 124

For example, how many times did a human driver have to take over the car? We don't know. Once you start asking questions and digging deep, there's a lot that Google's numbers don't tell us.

You obviously didn't read any of the reports, because while you don't know, anyone who did read them knows. It's all in there.

Comment Re:Institutionalized Prejudice (Score 1) 779

I believe you actually need to sit down and think about it in a global scale, and then you will realize just how wrong your assertion is. Of course, that depends on what your definition of "succeed" is. If like most people, your definition revolves around climbing the ladder and becoming upper-middle class, or part of the rich, then yes, there is a finite number of "successes".

Besides, class size is a limited resource, as is employment opportunities.

A rising tide raises all boats, but you can't raise the tide without taking the water from somewhere else to begin with -- somewhere else there is less water because you wanted to raise the tide in your special place. If you can't see there are other boats somewhere else sitting lower, it's because you aren't looking outside your limited view.

Comment Re:License? (Score 2) 307

Correction... Desktop versions of Windows is a Desktop OS first. You can always run Windows Server versions with no GUI. Perhaps you can run the desktop versions of windows without the GUI (No GUI meaning, it's not loaded, it's not on disk), but I've never looked into it.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 468

I'll even go one further, and say that according to their study, you are SAFEST (on the freeway) traveling 15MPH over the average speed. A "U"-shaped curve happens surrounding that point where it is approximately as safe to drive 30MPH over the average speed on the freeway as it is to drive the speed limit on normal streets.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 2) 468

Sure. It was really hard to google "NTSA studies speed" and click the first link, but here you go:

Direct link:,d.eXY

SInce you couldn't take the time to google, I'll even give you the excerpt:

Low-speed drivers were more likely to be involved in
crashes than relatively high speed drivers

Comment Re: I won't notice (Score 1) 332

I can't recall a time in which it refered to anything else. Here's another example from 1985: the original Atari at service manual.

So it has been in use for at least 30 years. Not exactly "new". If you can find another reference before that in which it talks about resolution being described in pixel density (which would be hard I imagine as screens didn't have pixels back then). You might be able to find a reference to a tv (which isn't the same field) describing resolution in terms of lines, but again, lines isn't density either.

Comment Re:I won't notice (Score 1) 332

Your blind test isn't actually testing to see if people can tell the difference between 1080p and 4k. It's testing to see if people can correctly identify which is which. That's not the same thing.

A better blind-study is to have two TVs placed side by side of the same make and model. Turn off all upsampling and then show a 1080p image on one and a 4K image on the other alternating randomly the which is which and have the participant identify which image looks better. You will have a much different result, and have proven that people can tell the difference quite easily.

Comment Re:I won't notice (Score 3, Interesting) 332

Let's try an example. Enter "resolution" into google. What does it say?

the degree of sharpness of a computer-generated image as measured by the number of dots per linear inch in a hard-copy printout or the number of pixels across and down on a display screen. Their resolution never failed them, their fervour seemed never slackened.

Google says you are wrong.

Let's see what Microsoft says. Right click your desktop, and choose "Screen Resolution". What does it say? Microsoft says:

Resolution: 2560x1440 (Recommended)

Boy those silly software guys must have got it all wrong. Let's check the hardware guys... How about dell?

Under tech spec, that monitor says:

Native Resolution 1920 x 1200

Guess the hardware guys are wrong too. So who uses it the one true "Jane Q. Public" way?

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