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Comment Re:Clearly, we must regulate comments! (Score 1) 267

Yes, I am, because I find the idea that absolute freedom of speech does or should trump all other rights, freedoms and responsibilities to be dangerous, both in principle and in practice.

All of life is dangerous. What are these 'other rights' that are at risk. We need to discuss this further, obviously. Ideally without all the expensive words cluttering things up. Give an example of what you mean.

Comment Re:Not quite comparable (Score 3, Funny) 215

And electricity is free, which is why there is no need for an attendant? I think if I lived in Japan, I would buy an old jalopy car that run on gasoline, load it up with batteries to charge at the 'free' charging station and park the old jalopy next to my house. Free electricity for my house!

Comment Re:Agendas (Score 1) 166

There are bound physical copies of stuff like 'A Quarter Century of UNIX' that document Vint's work enough for him to survive posterity. And various 'Internet History' books.

It's people with their works of fiction stored on dicey old Commodore 64 diskettes who are screwed. Or worse: Macintosh 800K floppies. Does Apple even acknowledge they ever existed?

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