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Comment Re:Short story: See to what Linus responds (Score 1) 641

The interesting bit to me is that the whole thrust of systemd seems to be to inject a Windows NT style Registry onto Linux. So it makes complete sense that the heady sort of developer who wants to foist this onto the Linux OSes would demand HIS WAY.

Naw. I like /etc and the vi editor. When I dig into a new install of NetBSD to configure it, those are the things I understand and those are the things that work.

Comment Re:Sure, but... (Score 1) 392

The other thing about humans is that they are host to huge varieties and quantities of symbiotic organisms, which likely won't be spun up out of a test tube in a space ship. Those bugs in your gut are an important part of you, and the genetic diversity of them is just as big a problem as the 'embryos in a freezer' that everybody here is carrying on about. We're not alone; we will need to drag large chunks of our biosphere with us anywhere we 'travel' to.

Comment "Science" as bandied around on Slashdot. (Score 0) 509

I will have more respect for all the people who fling around the term 'Science' when more than a few of them even know WTF they are talking about. Start by reading Kuhn and some of the other scholars of science. The process is complicated.

'Science: it's what scientists do, and we need to listen more to what the scientists say' is sheer ignorance. Shake that rattle and dance.

Comment Re:Sure the comment was stupid but ... (Score 1) 509

They want magic boxes running magic programming languages,so that pesky "understanding" thing doesn't interfere.

Didn't you know? The world of software is more maintainable if it's kept extremely abstract and the actual functionality is locked away in magic boxes that only a few wizards are allowed to touch. That's the whole idea behind high level languages like Java, C++, Visual Basic, etc.

I am an Assembly Language programmer and code embedded controllers up from the reset vector. I remember the first time I encountered a coworker who was a habitual high level code slinger and couldn't get it when the timer wouldn't do anything, cuz they never initiated it. That's an aside, though. Stick to your highly maintainable object orientation (coded in whatever language is in fashion ATM.) Fantasies are fun!

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

When I hear somebody like you bemoan the huge contributions (the most significant total amount, actually) trade unions make using worker's dues, regardless of the political positions of said workers, I'll take your ranting about 'them koch brothers' more seriously.

Anyhow, like Obamacare, its now entirely settled law. Suck on it, dude.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

Oh, there are significantly more homophobic schools of thought than communism. Islam, for example. It's a pity, actually that homosexual rights activists shine so little light on this, even in an era where 'multiculturalism' preaches the need to respect the rollout of sharia law in the west. Priorities seem badly distorted, to be honest.

Comment Re:Why stop there? (Score 1) 496

I don't think the Apollo capsule pilot flew that thing 'solo.'

When you have a large 'Mission Control' infrastructure such that there is a guy sitting at a monitor whose entire function is to monitor your oil pressure (the guy at the screen beside him monitoring oil temperature) then your ride to the market will be equivalent.

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