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Comment Re: If you take the bait (Score 1) 117

Was it clueless, or was it deliberate?

Mayday, incidentally, should be a strikingly American day on the calendar, as it commemorates the May Day Massacre which happened in Chicago. The people killed were Communists and Anarchists, though, so it isn't gonna go on the Official Holiday Calendar in the US.

Comment Re:crossed the 5million mark at about 9:30 Eastern (Score 1) 117

Or what about what happened to Obama's election promises about getting rid of lobbyists and being transparent? I do believe he was pressured by the incumbents into changing his mind. He might have been honest when he first got elected, but, as they say, the system is too strong. He got borged into it.

Or, he was a lying, conniving SOB from the start, and like any other politician said anything he had to to get elected. Our only option is to cut off the air supply (taxes.)

It's all about the power, baby.

Comment Re:Made it! (Score 1) 117

'fair' is one of those words like 'good' that are really hard to pin down to what is meant when they are used. Let's substitute in another vague word:

Either good elections are important to you, or they aren't. The system you propose is the system we have already (by refusing to consider alternatives) and you will note that your proposal has already been tried and found to be ungood.

There. That didn't add to or change the meaning of what you typed at all.

Comment Re:Underlying cause? (Score 2) 361

It was well documented after the fall of the Soviet Union that there was a powerful network of communist infiltrators within the US government, and that Sen. McCarthy was right, though he had a horrible clumsy way of acting in reaction to it. Also, read about The Venona Project. The Rosenbergs deserved to die, they were guilty.

Comment Re:ISIS Caliphate (Score 1) 361

I love the picture on that page of the 'scud missile' they captured and are parading about. They almost certainly have neither the expertise to fire the missile, nor is it likely complete and able to be fired. They'd have a hard time even unloading the 'missile' off the parade-float truck it's resting in. They're a bunch of goatherds with rusty kalashnikovs and light pickup trucks.

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