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Comment Re:Good riddance! (Score 1) 120

Then just don't use it.

The thing I don't get is why this is an issue. I am fully aware of the privacy concerns.

However if I contact a company, and ask for an account, and they say "you can have an account, under these conditions, and they include sending stuff between different countries", I don't get the problem.

Also if I'm in one country, and I'm friends with someone in another country, isn't it obvious that some of our data is going to have to get copied between the countries?
Like how do you do an instagram post to a global audience, where the data doesn't leave the originating company?

Comment Environment means CO2 today (Score 1) 98

But everyone is focused on climate change, people point out the toxicity of lithium mining, they say "but climate change".

They've overly demonized CO2 to the exclusion of all the other problems, including chemical pollution.

Clean burning of fossil fuels (ie natural gas) is sometimes less of a concern than massive pollution of the water supply to support "green" technology.

Comment Re:I'm not sure the Italian authority is right her (Score 1) 34

To me "Prime" means it's the Amazon logistics system.
It's in the local warehouse ready to be shipped today, and likely arriving in a day or two. I've never had a third party Amazon seller match that.

I have had Walmart, Staples etc deliver next/same day.

I can't imagine any seller putting a next day delivery promise when they don't control the logistics platform.

Comment Re:Well, he's not wrong. (Score 2) 259

Well that's actually a good example
You're not supposed to rinse the bleach off the dishes.

The thing is that there will always be those complaining about the 20 failures, and ignoring the 40,000 successes.

The real question is the net benefit, I personally believe that free speech makes a big contribution to society, some good, some bad, but on balance it's positive.

Which trade offs are you willing to make?

Comment You save the theaters (Score 1) 104

Movie theaters are on sale, they're cheap to buy.
If you want to save them, YOU buy them.

I don't want Disney buying them, I think it's a bad investment, and it would be irresponsible for them to do so.

I love how it's always what other people should do, never about what you can do.
Go ahead, buy a theater, buy the chain. Do whatever you want, but don't expect my money to pay for your recreation.

Submission + - WHO and Great Barrington doctors recommend deprioritization of lockdowns

An anonymous reader writes: Spiked asks the question why Google has censored discussion of the Great Barrington Declaration. In a similar vein, the WHO has recommended lockdowns be deprioritized as means of control of COVID-19, citiing the economic impact on developing nations and tourist destinations. Recent spikes in infections in locations such as Western Europe that had been controlled by lockdowns earlier in 2020 perhaps are impacting the opinions of the doctors involved in the Great Barrington declaration and the WHO. Perhaps more open-mindedness is required on all sides of the COVID debate. It is particularly concerning that open discussion of the issues in question is marginalized in the US in particular. Current strategies do not seem to be working to control the spread of the virus. Is it time to question the entire idea of control of such an easily spread pathogen?

Comment Simple Corporate Greed - (Score 1) 346

It's simple corporate greed.

Facebook already determined that you're worth the higher salary.
They know that paying a person salary X still results in a net profit for them.

They just want more profit.
It's just an argument to pay people much less than they're worth. They're just hoping that if enough big tech companies collude on this, it can drop costs.

That being said, if Person A creates more value being in a certain physical location, that's fine.
Being the physical "on call" guy, being located X from the site could have value, and should be compensated.

Comment Cold shortage (Score 1) 101

Reminds me of a guy who said we have a cold shortage.

Think about how much energy is spent pumping heat out via Air conditioning.

So you have an AC unit (or fridge), spending energy to try and move the heat.
Then this electrical generator creates electriciy by impediting the transfer of heat.

Every time someone thinks of these great ideas, they never do a thermodynamic analysis.

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