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Comment Re:My ATM pin was 1457664 at one point. (Score 1) 472

If that's supposed to be the number of bytes on a disk, it must have been a strange-looking creature.

First we factor out 512 bytes per sector. That leaves 2874. Now 2874 has a prime factorization of 3 * 13 * 73. Since those are all prime the best possibility is that you're describing a three-sided floppy with 13 sectors per track and 73 tracks. (Or is that a 73-sided floppy with 13 tracks of 3 sectors? There are only 6 possibilities, none of which make any sense.)

Comment Re:BIOS (Score 1) 462

When you give computers to the public they usually get abused. In my experience computer lab, and library computers are more messed up than any computer I have at home.

But yes, assuming they treated them like you and me, I think it would be a great idea. It would give us peace of mind, and decrease cyber crime.

Comment Re:Netflix streaming (Score 1) 171

They can do both, and the two goals reinforce each other -- the skills to do both are pretty non-overlapping anyway. For me, the streaming has been a non-starter so far because I run a MythTV media center and own a Wii -- the only place I can use the streaming right now is on my laptop (a Mac), which is not the best movie viewing machine.

This brings me into the market now, and makes me think that when I move out of my current place (the account is in my roommates name) I'll get my own subscription as well. Assuming I'm not a total outlier (not many people will have MythTV, but there are many people with only a Wii, DVD player, and crappy cable box attached to their TV,) this greatly expands the number of people using streaming, and will thus encourage content producers to see that they need to find a good way to monetize streaming video.

Just because this doesn't benefit you directly and in particular, that doesn't mean its not worthwhile, and in this case a rising tide raises all boats.

Comment Re:Who advocated rounding up the arab population? (Score 1) 902

I was in the U.S., but I don't remember any backlash against Arab-Americans.


Just because the media you watch or read didn't report on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Tea party protests where 2,000 people show up get more attention than an anti-war rally in 2003 where 200,000 people showed up.

Comment Re:This is why I love competition (Score 0, Flamebait) 77

When iPhone came on board with games, etc, I knew there will be potentially improved products from Nintendo and eventually Sony/Microsoft.

So Nintendo is only innovating their handheld because of competition from the iPhone? What about the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light, Game Boy Micro, DS, DS Lite, DSi, DS XL....?

Comment Re:How is this any more secure (Score 1) 232

It's cheap?

Also doesn't need electricity, won't suffer a hard drive crash, and is easily duplicated (may or may not be good). Also it's pretty cheap and easy to make paper fairly durable. Laminate itt, print it on photo paper...hell, there's no reason you really need to use paper at all. You could store it on film, you could store it on wood or a clay tablet probably...hell with sufficient desire you could make it out of cement or even friggin' trees. The interesting thing about this is not the fact that it's stored on paper, the interesting thing is the method of creating the pattern and reading it back it.

Comment Re:Not a selling point (Score 1) 370

But I can FREELY MAKE clothes that I want to. I can FREELY MAKE an AM/FM radio. I can FREELY BUILD whatever house I want as long as I follow the laws, etc, etc.

The whole issue for OGG is that the FREELY option is being specifically excluded on a large scale. After all the lawsuits, all the various IP infractions nobody wants people to PRODUCE content FREELY. If the gatekeepers can make enough selling items like computers, electricity, and clothes, they'll take away the RIGHT to do things yourself unless you pay them...

Imagine having to pay "rent" to sew your own clothes, to have permission to change a broken part on your car, to have to pay royalty to LISTEN to "free" radio... The current Supreme Court Justices have no problem blasting "property rights" back to the age of Charles Dickens where a rich man could injure and maim in the streets... then charge the family to clean the blood off the wheels.

Comment Re:Another... (Score 1) 177

My ISP (iiNet*) does this - they filter a bunch of commonly exploited ports by default. If you want to enable them, it's as simple as going to their website and ticking a checkbox. This seems to be the optimal solution, since anyone who actually needs those ports can manually enable them, while the more ignorant users are still protected.

* You might remember them from the iiNet vs. AFACT case.

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