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Comment Re:minutes to midnight (Score 1) 252

You didn't thats why i was complled to. I won't deny that there is some overlap between the parites however the democrats are generally socialist by nature and the republicans are generally nationalist facists by nature.

Medicare part D was a giveaway of taxpayers dollars to big pharma. Yes Medicare is a socialist program and one that I could argue helps numerous people however the fascist party (republicans) used that program to funnel taxpayer dollars to big pharma at exorbitant prices in order to break Medicare while suring up profits to their corporate overlords.

Comment Re:minutes to midnight (Score 2) 252

You seem to be Mighty ignorant of the differences between communisim and fascism. Short summary: in a communiist country the government owns the corporations, in a fascist country the corporations control the govt. We don't have communism here in the USA. We have socialism and fascism. Here in the USA we have two main political parties. The socialist party (Democrats) and the fascist party (Republicans) So when we vote we are basically choosing between socialism or fascism. Whats missing? Authoritariianism. We have Democratic Capitalism in place of Authoritarianism and people actually get to vote for either of the two (socialism or fascism)

Comment Re:Laugh all the way to the bank (Score 5, Insightful) 83

Mod me flamebait, but I am with Microsoft on this one. As mentioned in their press release at, Samsung agreed that "Microsoft will receive royalties for Samsung’s mobile phones and tablets running the Android mobile platform".

I don't know how Samsung thinks it can use Microsoft products without paying for them. I paid for my copy of Windows, and I expect Samsung to do the same.

its very simple. They are not using microsoft products. This is not about Windows. This is Microsoft's attempt to use software patents to steer people away from using Android and Chrome OS on their general purpose computing devices. this is about software patents that should have never been filed and should have never been granted. The supreme court has recently spoken regarding this matter. loading text before images is not patentable along with the myriad of other junk software patents that Microsoft is using against Android.

Comment Re:CAGW is a trojan horse (Score -1, Flamebait) 725

I'll believe in CAGW when the scientists quit fudging the numbers and it still shows it...when they can explain historical data that contradicts the theory...and when they can explain why the warming has stopped for the last couple of decades.

As it is, he fudging is so blatant that "climate science" is nothing of the's a Trojan horse for the same lod tired leftist government takeoff of economies. That trick never works.

seriously? wow. Tell you what. Just stick to your bible and fox news. This conversation is for people of reason. You seem to be too far brainwashed by the API and their minions on Fox News, Dailly Caller, Drudge, Linbaugh and the like. SMH.

Comment Re:Democrats getting a pass here? (Score 1) 225

So Lamar Alexander is a Democrat now?

Has anyone ever explained to you that the Democrats in the Senate have the MAJORITY?

And has anyone bothered to mention that the Democrats in the Senate REMOVED the filibuster, so that the Republican MINORITY has ZERO power to control legislation?

Blaming a Republican for ANYTHING that gets out of the Senate is the height of idiocy, when the Democrats have set things up so that NOTHING can be done in the Senate without their approval. It doesn't take a single Republican vote to get something passed in the Senate, but EVERY Republican voting AGAINST something can't stop it from being passed...

So, if we're talking about the US Senate, we're talking about things the Democrats want to do....

They removed the filibuster of appointed judges. That is all. You are so blinded by Fox News that you think that removal of that filibuster for a specific purpose applies to everything in the Senate. Please do your low information self a favor and turn of Fox News. Geez.

Comment Re:Democrats getting a pass here? (Score 3, Interesting) 225

I have a feeling if the story was about the current House of Representatives slashing ITER funding, we'd see a screed about "anti-science Republicans." However, since the Senate is led by Democrats...

That's more than a feeling, that's a fact.

So Lamar Alexander is a Democrat now? Really? Did you even bother to read the article before you opened your trap here? The fact is Republicans are anti-science unless that science is related to extraction of oil. You have failed misareabley to blame this on Democrats.

Comment Re:Ahh, everything working as it should... (Score 1) 140

Doesn't it warm the free-market cockles of your heart that levels of 'market transparency' in "intellectual property", and the licensing thereof, that a regulatory action taken by commie chinese is the biggest boost it's had in years? Good work on that free market, guys.

I think the free-market types see patents as a big government granted monopoly. Somehting they tend to loathe.

Submission + - Edward Snowden responds to release of e-mail by U.S. officials (

An anonymous reader writes: Snowden states todayâ(TM)s release is incomplete, and does not include my correspondence with the Signals Intelligence Directorateâ(TM)s Office of Compliance, which believed that a classified executive order could take precedence over an act of Congress, contradicting what was just published. It also did not include concerns about how indefensible collection activities â" such as breaking into the back-haul communications of major US internet companies â" are sometimes concealed under E.O. 12333 to avoid Congressional reporting requirements and regulations.

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