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Comment Re:Just a few points... (Score 1) 265

Oh please, guiding missiles is fairly trivial, mostly compared to this. When you're far beyond stall speeds it's just a matter of comparing your vector with where you want to go and adjusting where your nose is pointing accordingly.

Here what's done is non-trivial because of how hard it is to even simulate accurately the slide. Actually they're pretty much just using a replay so when you think about it that's somewhat unimpressive.

Comment Re:You're not seeing (Score 1) 1015

OK, so in other words we don't know shit, some nutjobs just agree to speculate on shit they know nothing about without any way to test/verify them, and nothing in your previous post can even qualify as things we know. Furthermore you seem to accept reports of alien abductions as more than a psychological phenomena whereas even though the good faith of the people who report them is hard to doubt there's no physical evidence for their claims and everything seems to indicate that people who report abductions do so as a result of being suggested so by therapists. Sounds like a case of "I want to believe" to me, which means no one will be able to reason you due to your selectivity in the things you will accept.

I accept your apology. Besides, if you believe alien do abductions but that they'd destroy us if they met us, why aren't they in the process of genociding us? I'm sure you have a fascinating theory about this that would wield more insights into the way you think than anything else. Nevermind, I just read something you wrote in the first comment : "Aliens have been here since the dawn of history and simply remain hidden because they exist in a higher energetic state. We are trees to their people, and with our vastly limited perceptive abilities as compared to theirs, we are nothing more than a crop awaiting harvest." lol... So, tell me more about the forthcoming alien apocalypse according to you. Should we drink your Kool Aid and commit collective mass-suicide?

some semi-related experience in energy and spirit work

lol gtfo

Comment Re:Is the game play actually net new? (Score 3, Insightful) 462

Am I the only one to think that it's senseless for games to be measured in hours of gameplay they offer? They're games, not movies or books. How many hours is SimCity 2000? 1 hour? 1000 hours? See it doesn't make any sense for such a game because unlike a lot of modern single player games it's not an interactive movie, it's a game, it doesn't have a story, it has mechanics.

Less stories, more mechanics. And stop designing loosely connected individual maps, create a world and make everything happen in it, like GTA does.

Comment Re:You're not seeing (Score 1) 1015

Fine, well if you'll go with the constance of human behaviour, how about you stop with the cherry-picking of historical events? The Chinese back in the 14th century would go all around the world as they knew it in peace, even in places where they could have easily dominated and conquered such as Africa. To use Colombus' example as if it was what always happens when civilisations meet is just bullshit. Maybe that's far from obvious if your knowledge of history is centred on the Americas.

Furthermore, while basic human behaviour remains the same, civilisation and society progresses and advances morally, which is why people don't consider it acceptable anymore to make slaves, only a century or two after it was abolished.

And obviously the elephant in the room, aliens are not humans. See my comment about making the mistake of projecting the familiar onto the utterly unknown.

As for your points, well, they're kind of bullshit. What civilisation do cattle have? None. As such they're quite boring. They have nothing to teach us except for what biology teaches us, as they don't transmit knowledge from generation to generation. Nothing they've done is worth studying really. Whereas civilisations, all civilisations, are worthy of being thoroughly studied. Again, you seem to have (dis)missed my point about us being more interesting left intact than "as a resource". Also you clearly overestimate our interest "as a resource". What's so good about our resources? Water? We don't even have that much non-salty water, whereas the universe is full of it. Oxygen? Again, it's not even like there's so much oxygen here that is not readily available in other places or in other ways. Minerals? Once again, there's not much you'll find here that you won't find anywhere else. It's not like there's even a lot of oil left. You'd think they'd want to eat us or any of our animals? How likely do you think this is that Earth meat is any good to a creature that would be the product of an isolated biological evolution? We share DNA with what we eat.

Also, thinking that we would be of no interest to the curiosity of any eventual alien civilisation is utterly retarded. Emphasis on utterly retarded. We study thoroughly ancient civilisations by digging their fossilised poop and analysing the whole thing in expensive imaging machines that can see through anything in 3D just to determine what they ate for breakfast, yet somehow a very complex planet-wide civilisation would be of no interest to anyone out there? Why? They'd either find a lot of things in common with us or a lot that differs, both of which are very interesting.

In conclusion, I suggest you stop taking your opinion about eventual alien civilisations from science fiction writers with inferiority complexes that stem from their high school days (evil superior aliens = jocks/bullies/mean popular girls).

Comment Alien says herp-a-derp (Score 1) 1015

Right, because if we found a fascinating uncontacted alien civilisation, our first reflex would be to kill them all, bomb their artifacts beyond recognition and just strip mine their planet for precious minerals, right? Right?!? More like we would study the shit out of them without trying to contaminate them.

No, forget it. Christopher Columbus went with destruction, and we all know that intelligent beings from more advanced civilisations would do the same dumb things as people 5 centuries ago.

Which is funny, we like to project onto those eventual aliens our projected technological advances of centuries in the future, but at the same time we want to project onto them the behaviour, moral retardation, ruthlessness, disinterest and folly of centuries ago. No cookie for you Stephen Hawking, you may be good at astrophysics but that didn't prevent you from falling in the old trap of projecting the familiar onto the utterly unknown.

Comment Re:Categories (Score 1) 572

You have to remember the context of this. It's just another one in a long series of moral panics. Twenty years from now no one will care about child porn cartoons or whatever as we do now. Same thing for the war on drug. It was all the rage in the 1980s, then slowly they realised little of what they did worked that well or was worth it.

Comment Re:stop sending bags of meat into space (Score 1) 278

"not even the military needs pilots anymore"

Watchu talking bout son. For every Predator in the air there are two pilots someplace in Arizona manning it remotely.

And sending 20 probes to Saturn is stupid compared to making on more expensive mission to send a drone blimp or a drone boat to Titan. Besides for every probe you have large teams of all kinds of people behind, and then you have years of study on the returned data by planetologists and such. So if you've got money to blow on probes you might as well get ambitious rather than do the same thing again and again en masse.

Comment Re:My Problem with Apple (Score 1) 183

Yeah, and how many times do I have to repeat it for you to understand my point? What you criticize Apple for doing are things everybody and their momma does. Like I said "It's dishonest to bring up something while not acknowledging that everybody does it too". You can't criticize a company for doing what the entire competition does, you can only criticize the industry. lol faggot.

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