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Comment Re: The American Dream (Score 1) 570

No it wasn't guaranteed - you had to kiss ass and behave politically "correctly" and even then not guaranteed. If you spoke "wrong" or had some relatives that were considered "anti-socialist" or any other reason, you did not get it. Or if the apartment just wasn't available - which happened a lot.
And no, you didn't get it for free (there was rent, albeit quite affordable).
Stop talking about things you don't know about.

Comment Re:Hilarious (Score 2) 160

Exactly what i though reading "has started placing banner advertisements on websites" ... "which will appear instead of paid-for ads". Does that mean the City of London police - whatever that is - has taken upon themselves above the law and are essentially cybercriminals? So they con the sites as well as someone who has actually paid for the ad space?

Comment Re:Your next supercar. (Score 0) 138

"New technology is cool."

Not true. Some new technology is cool, but not all. Relevant case in point is the engines used in supercars, where you will often see naturally aspirated V8s, V10s etc used not because they are the latest, most efficient tech, but because they sound great, and people expect a supercar to sound awesome, efficiency is secondary.

He said "cool" not "efficient".

Comment Re: Feature or bug? (Score 1) 89

Also - "Had the key been leaked Nokia would not have been able to ensure that the phones accept only applications approved by the company."
This choice of words implies that the money somehow miraculously prevented the key from leaking. The key already HAD LEAKED. All nokia got for the money was a promise that the leaked key won't be misused.

Comment Re: $150 MRC for hotspot that doesn't travel with (Score 1) 216

Well. There were three arguments here. Lets backtrack to where it started.

Someone said that cars don't last 20 years with the exception of a Volvo perhaps. To which i replied that Volvos aren't very "sturdy" any more since they share the technology with Ford.

That got sidetracked with the arguments whether Volvo has used Ford engines (they have) and the number of cylinders in a Volvo. That being settled - I have had in my family and company different cars. During the warranty period we had to visit Ford's and Volvo's dealership several times. Ford even had some EZrust galvanic processing applied so that all the doors were replaced under warranty. With Honda and Subaru - not a single time, just scheduled service.

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