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Comment Re:PR Stunt at best (Score 1) 174

There's something like that for drive encryption (in-case someone gets your hard drive), but programs that are running are intentionally past that restriction.

Programs communicate with one another, with servers on the Internet. If it sends-out more data then it should, you can't do anything about it if it's from a closed-source client. If that server shares more than you'd like, you can't do anything about it either. The closed-source client (& client OS) prevents the verify stage of "trust, but verify".

No scientist trusts an experiment it can't verify (or isn't even given steps), so you can't trust the experiment of secure data if you're not given what steps are occurring.

Comment The most successful place this exists today (Score 1) 286

On the web we have tens of languages on the server side communicating to browsers & crawlers. Crawlers are written in nearly every language.

How did we do it? A standard protocol.

So, stand up 2 programs, have a standard for message passing, and continue working. Forget library-like integration: you don't want some giant code in your process space anyway.

- Testing is simpler.
- Fractional deployment is equal to having DLLs, but simpler resource file management.
- Crashes are easier to debug, and far less insulation is necessary for a good overall experience.
- Scalability becomes simpler.
- The initiator of an internal issue can be hard to determine, but many solutions exist & it's often unnecessary to know.

Summary: Do one thing, do it well

Comment Re:30 years? (Score 1) 629

I have 7 years of "Lotus Notes" experience. Now I was maintaining the Lotus Notes codebase, so I advertise that as C++, NoSQL (it is), Interpreter maintenance including Java, SSL implementation experience, RFC standards compliance, format conversion, etc.

Upsell the still-modern things you did with the obsolete software. Unless it's open-source, it's not like you're taking the specific code experience with you anyway, and they can change it to obsolete your experience anytime.

Comment How To: (Best Guess) (Score 4, Interesting) 227

Step 1: Ensure your whole toolchain (libraries, tech, etc) is either open or too commercially essential/purchasable to obsolete (Win32 libs).
    Proof: There are old PHP code that hasn't been touched in 10 years but can be improved easily.
    More proof: When the incompatible Python 3 came out, years went by where the other environment was maintained, and now for most code you run the converter and you're set. No commercial interest would have taken that much care.

Step 2: What is BIG? _Size-big_ On most resumes for the field big.
    Proof: Oracle's Java interpreter is so insecure that you can't use it in browsers anymore, yet it persists everywhere it can because the engineers know it.

Step 3: Don't put a lot of dependent code on-top of it
    Frameworks don't last, but neither does the product you're creating. If you don't have much code atop the framework, moving to another will be easy. If it will take a lot of code to make your tech work on a framework, it's better to fail fast. Keep your code atop the framework modular so you know where your integration points are.

Step 4: Be the integrator.
    If you rely on many small libraries (who doesn't), be sure you are-or-run the glue and not their compatibility. It's more code, but allows you to entirely replace a library that doesn't live up to your changing needs.

Step 5: Model Linux's ecosystem: standards win since they're multiply-implemented.
    As the most research-able long-lived full system, you see lots of libraries, fickle front-ends, separate long-running processes (daemons) to manage long-running and security-intensive operations. Large programs are broken into smaller programs which are each audit-able, replaceable, reusable, easier to divide labor, etc. Programs with the longest life depends on standard wrappers like the C libraries (which many libraries implement identically-enough) and not on the fickle kernel /proc sources of the C API wrappers source from.

Comment Re:Zombies. (Score 1) 608

In Rome they never fed the military enough, and they trained in cities, so they inevitably stole from people or went survivalist.
I'm most interested in a pay level that generates the best response for the public, which would logically be high.

Comment What I want from a translator (Score 1) 115

1. Rough word-by-word is the beginning
2. Sentence structure reorganization
3. Idiom recognition.
4. Connotation, Tone, Irony
5. Generation / Area / Nature: How a native listener can determine details about the speaker.

The result will always be annotated-looking with warnings for plays-on-words, and will always be longer with maximum detail extraction from the source language.
I'm sure there's more to do after these items are done.

Comment Re:AI and robotics and jobs (Score 1) 625

I did productivity retrofits at a manufacturer. I "improved" things for years. The boss got rich as productivity grew, but nobody got paid more (including me). So little got reinvested that the company went under, so now there's one less previously-successful manufacturer and nobody employed there.

When there's nobody left to care for the direction, watch the trends, and generally relax, then destructive decisions are often made. Both do that, the second just does it more.

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