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Comment Update the ecma standard (Score 1) 289

Update the ecma standard to include a set of features that is meant to be used when compiling a better language (C#, C++, Java, Perl, Python, LISP, Haskell, x86 asm, MUMPS, pig-latin, etc) down to javascript so it will run in any browser at native code speed. Then I think everyone will be happy.

Comment Re:Do it (Score 4, Interesting) 489

The entire point of the senate is to provide an equal voice to all members of the federation....besides....the most undemocratic behavior is gerrimandering and that is a behavior seen in the house.

Congressional districts should be required to be closed and compact boarders that meet the population requirements for a district to exist. These things should be drawn by a computer using standard topological analysis, not a committee created by what ever party happens to be in control of the state at the time.


Facebook Patents Inferring Income of Users 129

theodp writes "Among the patents granted to Facebook this week by the USPTO is one for Inferring Household Income for Users of a Social Networking System. 'For example,' Facebook explains, 'an assumption might be made about a user that reads and every day that the user is in a higher income bracket than another user that only reads and on the theory that a user who reads newspapers might be assumed to make more money than a user who only reads celebrity gossip blogs.' Advertisements such as those for travel packages, cars, and home mortgages, Facebook adds, 'are targeted to users based on income bracket,' which might also be inferred by 'gathering and analyzing different types of information about a user's geographic location.' Hey, what could go wrong?"

Comment Re: Holy stupid ideas, batman (Score 1) 189

The issue is "death by traffic accidents out number deaths by natural disaster".....News flash....there are more deaths per year by traffic accidents than by natural disasters by a very large margin. There being a slightly greater number of traffic deaths compared to natural disasters than other states does not increase your risk in any meaningful way.

Comment Re:Fucking idiots (Score 1) 1532

Do you live in a state that expanded Medicaid? Did you bother looking to see if you get a subsidy? Medicaid expansion means a single person can make 50K and get Medicaid. Subsidized insurance means you can pay 100 a month for coverage. Why do you hope the same people who fucked up he process and made the ACA less functional will win? Either you are a liar about your affiliation or are a petulant fool who can not understand issues well enough to place blame correctly.

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