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Comment Re:Mostly political was my choice (Score 1) 278

And the USA is contributing 24% of the worlds emissions with only 17%or less of the worlds population. So they emit 3x or 4x or 5x as much as what would be their 'fair share'

I don't really get where you leaned math.

Regarding 'fair share' the CO2 pollution ladder is something like:
no one
no one
no one
no one
no one
no one
A selected country like Dubai or some of its neighbours.
No one no one
E random european country
No one no one
The whole of the EU
No one no one
And so it goes on ....

Believing that the USA is somewhere far below or that China is at the top "fair share wise" is completely retarded.

Comment Re:n/t (Score 1) 278

The IPCC reports/predictions are at the lowest bound the involved parties can agree on. Perhaps that fuels your 'problems' actually the people I know who are working as mere programmers for climate scientists are: scared to hell.
The disaster running towards us will be magnitudes higher and faster than we currently read in the newspapers.

Comment Re:n/t (Score 1) 278

Lol, so funny.

You accelerate a electron to 99% of the speed of light, and then you want to predict what?

How long it takes to fly from earth to the moon?

And how do you calculate that? Speed / Distance yields the time. There is absolutely no difference if you write in the upper right corner of your sheet of paper: 'calculated by Newton laws' or 'Calculated by Einsteins laws'.

Hence Newtons laws are for everyone except for the top of the top of the top scientists very well and accurate to describe anything happening in our universe! Claiming otherwise, as you do is plain ignorant, and imho STUPID!

Newton is wrong and his model was and his model was most definitely proven wrong.
His models are absolutely not proven wrong! What kind of moron are you? His models got refined!
As long as you are not talking about 'light speed' and/or (high) gravity, every of our day physical - or mathematical problem regarding physics - is calculated with Newtian physics.

Or do you think Einstein is needed to calculate the effects of a car crash in a crash test? Or the power of an engine to lift an air plane or to calculate how much fuel a craft needs to go x miles?

WTF: in what illiterate world do you live? Newton proven wrong? tTat would be the headline for centuries if you had any way to prove that Newton was proven wrong!

Comment Re:n/t (Score 1) 278

Why some one mods you insight full is bejond me.

Newton is a good example. We know for a fact that his 'laws' (or more accurately, models) of motion are wrong.

Wrong. His laws are 'correct' and very accurate.
Every rocket launch is calculated with Newton physics. Makes no semse to do it different.

We've known that for a very long time (that is why relativity was needed, Newton's model, for example, failed to predict the orbits of the planets accurately).
Wrong. The difference of a planets position in a year or so, calculated with simple Newtons laws and more accurate laws taking into account the bending of space time as expressed by the law of Relativity (Einstein) is milimeters. YOU will never notice it regardless how hard YOU try to look at any planet in our solar system.
There is a difference between: wrong and inaccurate.

Comment Re:n/t (Score 1) 278

That is not modelling. That is a speculative extrapolation.

A model is a mathematical set of formulas based on physical laws and sciense, trying to dynamically acurately 'simulate' that physics.

The difference is: in an extrapolation the series of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,8 will always grow with the fibunacci sequence. In a model after the 5 the model will say: we have autumn now, and winter is comming, and the sequence micht be: 1, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 ...

Comment Re: Not France vs US (Score 1) 309

Sorry, I'm a bit tired about this argument.
My argument makes perfect sense, but you are only looking at one side of the equation. When a business closes, it's very easy to see that 5-10 people are now out of work. What requires more insight and understanding to comprehend is that the business closed because consumers have demonstrated that they would rather spend their resources elsewhere. Take my example of X and Y above, for instance. If X is allowed to become obsolete, let's say 10,000 people lose their jobs. But Y is 50% the price of X, freeing up vastly more resources from the public to now spend money in other areas of the economy, where there will now be new, unmet demand. Labor is regarded as a relative unspecific resource, which basically means that just because Bob worked for a book store doesn't mean Bob's only employment opportunity is in a book store. Bob can learn things, Bob has other skills, Bob will do okay. Yes, it may be inconvenient for Bob (I have been in Bob's shoes a few times, myself). But this is *how* we advance the economy. If we disallow these shifts in preferences, society is, by definition, worse off.

You are completely mistaken here on every argument you make.
The most important one is: Bob is a high skilled labourer who has specialized in "Books". As unlikely at is that a software engineer becomes a manager equally unlikely it is a Book shop employee becomes a manager, a software engineer or a simple baker. It does not mean he can not "learn new things". It only means: there is simply no opportunity matching his actual skills, and our (european) society focuses on putting people back into "similar" jobs. Not into *new* ones. E.g. new jobs right now we get in germany basically only in the wind and in the solar industry. How should a book worm find a job there? What particular would he do? Making photocopies? Sorry, such low level *jobs* don't exist in Europe.
I heard in other posts here, that in the US people working in book stores have no clue about books and are low payed minimal wage workers. Here they are specialists.

You neglect the fact that for every shift in the economy, there is also a shift in demand for jobs. No, there is not. That might be in the US, but the EU does not work that way. On top of that you mix up cause and effect. There are new jobs created, hence people switch. By losing a job in one part of the economy there is not suddenly a new job in another part.
People losing jobs like that, good payed as well, are usually unemployed for years, a decade or for ever, depending how old they are.

All because you have the ideology that things should stay how they are and because you lack the understanding of scarcity and what it means.
What argument is that?
a) I have no such ideology
I want that the new one exists without destroying the old one. And that they can easy. There is no need to *remove* the old from the economy and it makes no sense anyway.
b) we don't live in a economy of scarcity ... we don't do that since roughy 100 years. We live in a economy where the mighty ones power down the weak ones, see our dependency on oil and the lack of development in alternative energies. That is true for everything, until they fuck completely up like General Motors or Crysler. Or how can it be that a burger costs a dollar? Ever looked into the production and supply and delivery chain of that? It is basically impossible to have a burger that cheap ... but somehow they can do it. And you believe that this is *progress*? How that?
And you believe that people like the "burger mafia" or more precisely the "food mafia" may stump over every branch of the economy?
Sorry, we resist. It is our right, it is in our might, so what are you concerned about? That we are *stupid* ... well you bring up economy every post. Basically never saying "competition" you should consider that our different ideas about economy and law do *compete*. And the future will show which of ours will have more *happy* citizens. Obviously the real welfare states like the Scandinavians run really very well ...

Comment Re:Freedom of Expression... (Score 1) 424

No, I would not shade my opinion a little. I would simply write: "in my opinion ..."
Ofc she can continue ... as any journalist who got sued can.
Sorry, the blogger - judging from some comments - did not even hire a lawyer because she thought she does not need one. If that is true it is plain stupid. Also I'm pretty sure she was not 'fined' but had to pay damages.
There is no 'fine' for libel or slander in european laws, it is a civil case and not a criminal one.

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