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Comment Re:Samsung UD590 is nice... (Score 1) 207

I bought one of these for my office:

The pixel density is perfect for the opposite side of my desk, and since it's the office, being restricted to 30Hz doesn't hurt anything. At $400 it's a great place to get started with 4k computing. I agree that programming in 4k changes your entire way of working.

Comment D2X-XL (Score 5, Informative) 251

For those of us who still have the binaries around, the D2X-XL project (http://www.descent2.de/d2x.html) has ported the game engine to OpenGL and has added a number of great things to the project. It supports more players, TCP/IP, and tons of additional features. As with any community project (or commercial project recently) there are bugs, but some of the builds have been quite good. I encourage fans to check out and contribute to the project :)

I would absolutely play it more if there were a community of descent players ready to go online against (a matchmaking system, for example).

Comment Re:Where's Waldo? (Score 2) 126

I disagree that it's newsworthy. It has nothing to do with being a sheep -- turn your energy to the education, disease (due to anti-vaxxers) or net neutrality issues we're having domestically. We have such larger problems to fix that a missing airplane halfway across the world shouldn't even register on the scale. But it's a convenient distraction from our own problems so it's good 'infotainment'.

If you think I'm a sheep because I don't give a shit about an electrical fire in an airplane, you're amazingly misguided.

Comment Re:Where's Waldo? (Score 4, Interesting) 126

Yeah I don't really understand what the big deal is. I realize that there are a lot of families that may be suffering but because they were on an airplane it is somehow more newsworthy than a cruise ship with 10 times as many people, or genocide in Malaysia or doctors being killed giving polio vaccines in Afghanistan? Oh it's an airplane, let's tap into the 9/11 terrorist fear mongering so that we can get ratings!


Comment Re:The Seiki 39" 4K under 500 (Score 1) 520

I bought one too, and I love it. The trick with the ghosting is to set the sharpness to '1' instead of '0' -- there's some weird divide by zero bug that makes it MUCH smoother at 1. I highly recommend the panel. Not good for colors but great for text.

Comment Re:Government Involvement (Score 1) 499

Yeah that'll just be a huge pile of joy :-/ I'm crossing my fingers that my health plan doesn't go up -- I get it through my company, and I have a feeling that insurance companies are going to "equalize" the rates for everyone, which means even the corporate renewal prices are going to go up.

Honesly I don't believe the ACA is the end goal. I think it's just priming the pump for what their real agenda is -- a single payer system. At that point you may as well just call it a "tax" and a "social service" and be done with it, no matter what the labels are. I just hope we don't get to that point, because who is going to make the decisions on what reasonable care is then? How are we going to cover second opinions? How do we not force treatment on people in the name of being "preventative"? There are a lot of questions that lead me to very uncomfortable conclusions. I already hate my oligopoly power company and cable provider -- what makes me think healthcare would be handled any better? It's a slippery slope, and it starts with creating a tax for people who don't shell out for the "acceptable plan" in the first place.

Comment Re:Government Involvement (Score 1) 499

I'm not saying it should be a social service -- reread my previous post. Canadians have health care as a social service included in their taxes, and their system is broken for entirely different reasons. I'm not here to debate whether healthcare should or shouldn't be a service -- but one thing that we agree on is that the current system is wasteful and needs to be fixed.

All I'm saying is that the law mandated a certain level of coverage to qualify as an insurance plan. Anything below that line doesn't qualify, and the law specifically mentioned a few types of coverage that need to be included, so that's why some plans are getting cancelled (because they didn't meet the spec).

Comment Re:Government Involvement (Score 1) 499

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. What people seem to think I'm arguing (and I'm not) is that medical care needs to be a social service rather than insurance. I love how people are jumping to conclusions :P

I was simply trying to point out the reasons that the line-item-veto for pediatric care and birth control won't work -- because if you get to line-item-veto those, I should get to line-item-veto cancer care, dialysis, and diabetes treatment -- and then it becomes individualized coverage where you may as well just pay for what you use. If everyone line-item-vetoed the things they didn't need to buy, then the collective insurance model would break down. That's exactly WHY the ACA mandated certain things be covered.

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