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Comment Re:Join MSDN Technet (Score 5, Insightful) 293

Personal experience can be 'experience' on your resume. What you need to do is to put them as 'personal projects' or 'side projects' instead of listing them as your job functions. Then, they will still trigger the keyword search, and it's enough to justify saying you have 'entry level experience' (which is MUCH better than not listing them at all). Better yet, once you have a little experience with them do a little consulting that makes use of that skill set.

ALWAYS work on your skill set. Don't wait for a position to come along to allow you to do it.

Comment Re:Join MSDN Technet (Score 1) 293

I was just about to post this. You can use technet to get educational licenses to all sorts of things. Once you have technet down, walk through a DotNetNuke ( installation and figure out how the database works, how the SSMS tool works, and how SQL Tracer works. Those are the basic experiences you'll need to get your foot in the door.

Set up a few basic email boxes and some SMTP rules on exchange and figure out how to get DNN to sent you emails to that, then you've installed, configured, and implemented both MSSQL and Exchange, not to mention some experience understanding the technologies that sit on top of the stack (which is ALWAYS helpful understanding the developer or software release point of view).

Comment Re:A huge underestimate of people's nature (Score 1) 78

Maybe that's just it -- I am not trying to follow the same model as your 90-year-old grandmother. I want it to behave in a manner different than it's intended, and so the interface (and the ability of the software) is not adequate for my requirements. It's part of a good software engineer to understand your target audience. Perhaps I am not their target audience, and your 90 year old grandmother is.

Plus their iPod driver / background launcher probably conflicts with a driver on my machine, or my antivirus. But it's the squeaky wheel so it got torn off the wagon.

Comment Re:A huge underestimate of people's nature (Score 1) 78

I admit that I may be ignorant. I should have prefaced my reply with "Disclaimer: Haven't used iTunes since 2009"
Honestly I haven't had the time to sit down and try any new music stores recently, and have just been depending on what Amazon comes out with. But my other point still stands -- BitTorrent is awfully convenient for the lazy (such as myself).

Comment Re:A huge underestimate of people's nature (Score 2) 78

That's that thing for people with apple devices, right? That thing that doesn't run on Linux, and barely runs on Windows (and as such is unusable enough that I won't install it) and is the main reason why I don't own an iPhone or an iPad? Yeah, I've heard of it.

I also haven't much interest in it, when I can (and do) get much of the same content from Amazon. The PC I browse on is separate than the server I store media on is separate from the device(s) I watch media on -- I don't fit into Apple's box. I'm not hating on the people who do, I'm just not one of them. If it works for you, then I'm glad you found a solution you're happy with. For me, that solution is torrent first and pay later.

Comment Re:A huge underestimate of people's nature (Score 2) 78

I disagree. Half the stuff I torrent is just because it's more convenient than the crappy "approved" distribution models. If I *really* like what I torrent, I wait until it's available commercially (see, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead) and buy the box sets after I watch/listen to the torrents. If I sort-of like it, I won't bother seeking it out after the fact, and if I don't like it, I delete it. This seems like a good way to get me to throw them a few dollars even if it's in the "sort of like it" category, because of the convenience.

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 783

What you're talking about is: Where does experimental science (and the scientific theory) end and where does scientific philosophy begin?
That's a line that is hard to draw, and even more difficult to explain to those that aren't versed in research.

Backing down and admitting you're wrong when faced with evidence isn't bad for science, it IS science.

Not to the people who give out the grant money.

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