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Comment Re:not supposed to be on the web! (Score 3, Insightful) 329

And it's the developers of all those packages and distros that symlink /bin/sh to bash instead of something minimal and well-audited that we should be screaming at. But "remote root exploit in bash" is sexier (after all, Apple doesn't put procmail on every Mac) so that's what goes in the headline.
...and next time someone goes on a rant about systemd versus "the Unix way", remember that daemons passing input from the network to /bin/sh is part of "the Unix way".

Comment Re:That guy just wasted his time (Score 2) 314

By what strange theory does Slackware support systemd? And how is the conversation being "held back"? At least on LQ, I think it's been discussed to death to the point where there's really nothing new to say about it.

I can say one thing for certain: you do not know that anything concerning systemd in Slackware is likely or not. Hell, *I* don't.

Comment Re:Sub Reddits that still aren't banned... (Score 1) 307

"In a Reddit thread under the title “Every Man Is Responsible For His Own Soul” [sic], Mr Wong wrote: “I did not say ‘we won’t ban any subreddits ever’. I said that we don’t ban subreddits for being morally bad."

Mr. Wong, with all due respect (that's not much for the record). Horse. Fucking. Shit.

  If you make a rule against X (and ban X-related subreddits) but not rules against Y and Z, you're making a moral statement that Y and Z are more acceptable than X. There's just no other coherent reading of those rules. If you're trying to make a community where bestiality and racism are considered morally better than leaked celebrity nudes, that's fine - it's your site, but have the spine to fucking own it.

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