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Comment Haven't they learned anything? (Score 1) 229

Haven't they learned anything? You shouldn't be able to control device fundamentals from the browser, it's a complete security nightmare. Modern OS and browser designs try to sandbox the browser from the underlying architecture with good reason. Remember ActiveX? That was a security disaster. Java is the modern equivalent, I probably patch it more often that I use it. If the Firefox OS ever takes off then the weak security model will probably ensure that it crashes down to earth.

Comment The world doesn't need another mobile OS (Score 0) 63

The world doesn't need another mobile OS, it doesn't matter how good it is.. and by all account MeeGo is pretty good. iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS, WebOS, Bada, Tizen, Symbian, OPhone, Firefox OS.. the list goes on and on. Apart from the Google/Apple duopoly, everyone else is jus fighting over scraps..

Comment Re:Pre-mortem Analysis (Score 2) 299

I think they lucked into awesome success though - BlackBerry always was a corporate solution, it just turned out that consumers were looking for the same sort of thing they were already making and they managed to jump on that market.

As for innovation, well look at the whole QNX acquisition mess. RIM bought QNX in 2010, but it's going to take until 2013 (at least!) to come up with a QNX-based OS (BlackBerry 10) for their smartphones. The only place they are using QNX is the dead-end PlayBook OS. By 2013 it really won't matter if they can make QNX work on their smartphones or not as they will have passed into irrelevance.

IMO, iOS has a future. Android has a future. Windows might be a niche player. Bada is bound to get some percentage points simply because it is being backed by Samsung. Everything else is irrelevant.. that's not to say that there aren't good OSes out there (MeeGo, Tizen and yes, QNX) but that they are simply more than customers need.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Submission + - Charles Carreon drops case against The Oatmeal (eff.org)

Dynamoo writes: "Charles Carreon has reportedly dropped his lawsuit against the creator of The Oatmeal, Matthew Inman. This bizarre lawsuit (dubbed a SLAPP suit by the EFF) kicked off after a dispute between Inman and FunnyJunk.com which span rapidly out of control. Perhaps Carreon has seen sense, but it turns out that there might be an even more bizarre twist in this tale"

Comment Re:Obvious? (Score 5, Insightful) 278

RIM must be smarting because it *was* a market disrupter.. it's just that the market continued to evolve. Their problem now is.. how to disrupt the market again? I honestly don't think they can do it without radical and painful surgery to their business model.

My two cents worth.. RIM should dump plans for BB10. The world doesn't want another mobile OS, regardless of how good it might be from a technical POV. RIM should slot itself in with Android or perhaps Windows, but then differentiate itself with its software and services offerings (e.g. BBM, BES etc). If you offered me a truly enterprise-capable Android phone I would rip it out of your hands! Sure, margins will be thinner and the glory days will be behind them.. but they would probably survive, and that gives them time to look at the next way of disrupting the market.

Comment Re:Eheh (Score 1) 278

Any Android 2.0+ handset has a more polished OS than the N900, but that shouldn't have been a problem if Nokia had pressed on with Maemo development. But they shitcanned the Maemo platform and tried to merge it with Moblin into MeeGo at a critical moment, so they expected follow-on handset never turned up.. Nokia wasted a LOT of time messing around with MeeGo. By the time the N9 came out, it was basically irrelevant.

Even so.. there's a brisk trade in N9s on eBay, and if you really want to see something expensive check out the prices that the N950s are going for..

Comment They're just ripping off.. (Score 1) 178

They're just ripping off Telephore*:

telephore's contextual cellular ad system uses advanced speech recognition technology to monitor and record subscriber conversations. It can then deliver advertising in call to connect your customer with high-quality ads that meet their needs.

For example, if your customer has a medical problem that they discuss with their doctor, our ad system can then later deliver an audio advertising message when they use the phone on a subsequent occasion.

Better still, the other party on the call also hears the ad. So, if they have common interests then they can share the enjoyment!

* Yeah, it's a spoof.

Comment Re:$100,000 and counting (Score 4, Informative) 286

Indeed, it's the copyright holder or a nominee that can file a DMCA complaint. But it's of limited use as FJ's web host is in the Netherlands and is therefore not in the US jurisdiction. The Oatmeal could file a DMCA complaint with the major search engines, but it would be pretty pointless in that case I think.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 107

I'm not even going to bother looking at this new version, every time I've tried FF on Android before it has been so slow and unreliable as to be unusable. I really can't see how it is salvageable. If you want something better than the stock browser, the Opera is pretty nice.

Submission + - The HTC Wallaby is ten years old. (mobilegazette.com)

Dynamoo writes: "Remember the HTC Wallaby? Probably not, but this influential proto-smartphone is ten years old this year. It helped to shape the smartphone market before there even *was* a smartphone market, and was HTC's first quaintly-names "Wireless PDA" product."

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