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Comment Re:That's because (Score 1) 227

You're parameters are screwy.
"and good enough for most applications "
You don't use most applications on the console. Do you use excel? audacity? Can you write and add any mod you like to minecraft? Use it for your email?

IN your example. the console would be the dragster. It's the specialized device.

I have a PS3, and Xbox, and a Wii. Looking at life time and usage, the PC's are cheaper.

Anyway, I was talking about technical play-ability.
Example: On a PC you can make tighter turns. I think it was Gabe Newall who did a technical write up on that issue when discussion getting PC players and Console playing together. The solution? make PC client slower. In effect lower PC's to console level
  On a PC response times is quicker.

If you never play more technically intensive games, you would n't need to upgrade a PC either.

My rigs generally last a as gaming machine about 5 years. I am just now going to upgrade my sons machine, it's 7 years old and he plays SCII, TF2, minecraft, does movie editing, CAD, and garry's mod, and Crysis. The machines cost 800 when I built it, with one upgrade of 125 dollars for a new video card over 2 years ago

Console are better if:
You want to do head to head on the same screen with someone
As a living room entertainment appliance.

This is what one would expect. The console is an appliance. It has all the pros and cons of an appliance.

None of this has to do with personal enjoyment. Like, dislike, good, bad, these are all different things.

Comment Re:Silly article, waste of time (Score 1) 335

" due to lack of information."
I would say:
  due to lack of infinite information.

Lets say the spread on that game is even.
So if we both pick a team and bet, it's even money.
But you say 'Give me 3 points and it's 2 to 1. Every dollar I bet, you will give me two.

Should I take the bet? 3 to 1? 4 to 1?
If you wanted me to give you 100 points, but you would pay a million to 1, I would probably bet a buck. Not with any hope of winning, but with the ope that I'll have a great story about the time I made a million to 1 bet. Don't ignore ancillary motivation.

Lets change it up.
Lets say you are a sniper, and there is a guy 500 meters away that you are 50% sure is your intended target. Do you shoot? 60%? 99%
Lets say your target is going to enter a code that blows up a large bomb in a random city. Do you now shoot at 50% 60% 99%
What if it's a nuclear bomb in a random city? A nuclear bomb in the city your children are at?

You can NEVER actual have 100% How close you want to get depends on the impact of the events at hand.

Comment Re:two-thirds of American schools cannot appropria (Score 1) 107

Switching equipment was probably donated.
Since they don't have the money to pay for highly experienced and trained people, you end up with crappy set ups.
Also, how much internet speed?
The future is being built on high bandwidth, and to not have that in schools hinders Americans future generations.

Comment Re:More Smoke and Mirrors (Score 1) 107

For things like schools, you needs wide base for taxing becasue there is no direct association. Yet everyone benefits. Even people without kids benefit from schools.

And fuck those old people who went to college for 40 dollars a semester then voted to stop taxes so everyone else has to pay outrages costs. No one over 60 should be involved in politics in any way.

NO, not really, I just feel that way sometimes. Also, people should have to take a critical thinking test to be able to vote.

Comment Re:Government's monopoly on education (Score 0) 107

It's not the teacher union.
What you don't understand is most thing the schools depend on have risen FASTER THAN INFLATION.
Books, supplies, land, fuel, maintenance have ALL risen faster then inflation.

So many things impact school, you need to use an all item inflation rate.
Inflation is great for have a specific base as a guide, not so great with daily cost increases.
You will note that even when inflation is 0(zero) prices still go up.
1960, a gallon of gas was 31 cents. Using just the basic inflation calculator, gas should cost 2.49 cents. There are other factors impacting that price.
The teachers need to live in the real world, so yes there salaries will go up.

If you actually care, learn about CPI. relative privce changes. and 'all item' inflation

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