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Comment Re:Some of these are overreaction (Score 1) 173

One of these shows a police officer pinning a guy to the ground with his knee so that he can cuff him (presumably after the guy already did something wrong and tried to resist arrest.)

Presumably!?!? So, you are claiming to know the truth, and admit in the same sentence that you don't. Police actions not only may be questioned, they must be questioned. If they do nothing wrong then they have nothing to be worried about when we question them, right? That's the same approach they often take with us, no?

Comment Nonsense (Score 1) 292

I say the notion that there is little left for science to discover or invent is a bunch of hogwash. Perhaps we have been moving at such a rapid pace in recent decades that it has just become more difficult to envision a future different from the present. Thus we have a hard time seeing what direction future advances may come from and how they will impact our lives. If we take a humble perspective on the science behind us it is more clear that we really have no idea what is in store for us, and there is no reason to believe that science will not continue to advance in dramatic and unexpected ways. Perhaps we have not even begun to scratch the surface of the developments and technologies that will shape the next century, or two, or three, or...

Comment Re:have to admit (Score 1) 164

Similarly, some people avoid seat belts because they heard a story about somebody getting their guts squashed by one. Never mind that tossed into the roof, the windshield, the steering wheel, the dashboard, or being ejected from a vehicle is almost always worse than being strapped to a seat. Yeah, SSRIs don't work for some people, but they work wonders for many. They're not supposed to make you "happy" - just get you out of bed or off the couch and able to get on with your life, and let you end the hopelessness. Of course the state of mental health care in the US is shameful, so many people forego help they need, or simply can't pay for it.

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