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Comment Odd... (Score 1) 499

But federal investigators say that Barr lied during a routine background check about her affiliations with a domestic terrorist group that had ties to the two organizations to which she had belonged in the early 1980s. On 27 August, NSF said that her 'dishonest conduct' compelled them to cancel her temporary assignment immediately, at the end of the first of what was expected to be a 2-year stint.

How her colleagues are ignoring that she lied on her background check... They probably never got to the point where they investigated her involvement with the group (which, if she had disclosed it initially may or may not have barred her from working at the NSF).

Is it really acceptable yo lie on federal background checks?

Comment Cheap press (Score 2) 137

This $190K expense will buy google an awful lot of free press.

It's nice that Google did this, but let's be clear - the Chicago Public School system has a staggering number of problems, and a marimba and a classroom full of MS Surface laptop/tablets won't really make a difference outside of the handful of children that will be able to actually touch/use these items.

Comment Re: Great! (Score 1) 80

Home phone lines are required to allow 911 calls even when service is disconnected. On the off-chance something happens AND there is a functioning phone connected to the line, it has to allow the call.

Imagine the lawsuits - "my child was on the floor turning blue, not breathing and I couldn't get a dial tone! The phone company killed my child!"

Comment Changing nature of 911 (Score 2) 80

911 calls are by nature a conversation, a two-way exchange of details from the caller and suggestions from the operator as the situation unfolds. That will (likely) be lost in a text exchange - what parent will keep texting 'she's not breathing, she's turning blue' to 911 when they are standing by their choking child?

Comment Re: text is easier to give addresses (Score 2) 80

As opposed to the clear, concise descriptions the 911 operators currently get from people in car accidents, house fires, home invasions, etc.

I'm not worried about operators deciphering the 'txt speak' so much as I am worried that when a person finds themselves in an emergency situation, like, say, a choking child, precious time will be lost as the parent decides how to contact 911, then struggle to enter the proper address in a text message because they think that might cause a quicker response from the first-responders...

Comment I wasn't aware... (Score 1) 80

...that SMS text messages include location information (long/lat).

I could see instances where it would be useful for a security/alarm system to send a text to 911, but the originating number would be set to a fixed location, but for a mobile phone to be required to send the 'exact' location is a technical 'bridge too far' in my opinion...

Does the FCC really think that in an emergency it is easier/quicker/better to send an SMS 'text' message from a mobile phone, rather than use the phone for it's original purpose and dimply CALL 911 and TALK to the agent?

It IS a phone you're sending that text from!

Comment Re: What? (Score 1) 753

Even more odd is that you think that the fiscal insanity was caused by fiat currency, when in fact, most was caused by lack of regulation, mortgage originators who had no fiscal stake in the process, leading to mortgages to people who never should have them, and the insanity ne plus ultra - the 50 year morgage. a favorite of 80 year olds.

And it was all federally backed to help make sure everyone had their chance at "the American Dream"!

My personal favorite was the 110% mortgage - loaning money to people that not only didn't have a down payment, they also lacked the money to cover closing costs...

Comment Re: What? (Score 1) 753

It really doesn't help that much of the "you should buy gold!" press in the last five years has come from people who have a vested interest in the price of gold rising (like Glenn Beck) so they can sell it off at a profit and recent buyers will be hit with a loss.

You do understand that gold dealers advertise on shows like Glenn Beck's, and I've heard commercials for the same gold merchants on left-leaning shows like Randi Rhodes...

His 'vested interest' ends when the check for the paid advertisement clears.

Pretty much the opposite situation from the one Beck et all describe would actually happen if we went back to the gold standard.

Beck "et all" (sic) don't try and predict the future, they argue that gold is a good hedge against inflation - at the turn of the last century (1900) you could buy a nice tailored suit and a steak dinner with a $10 gold coin, some 100 years later you can still buy a tailored suit and steak dinner with that very same $10 gold coin...

Comment Re: What? (Score 1) 753

If Walmart (in your example) gives receipts without the identifier for the card, the buyer will have to trust that Walmart activates the card - the buyer will have no recourse with your anonymized receipt if they buy an inactivated card.

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