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Comment Re:Just wondering... (Score 3) 416

On the contrary, the legal definition of harassment contains explicit clauses about applying pressure to trying and obtain sexual favours. If this person was worried about failing the class and felt their only option was to ask for help and this guy told them the only way they were getting his help is through sexual favours then this is very clearly within the bounds of harassment.

I think you have a very narrow view of what harassment actually is, because your description only covers a small portion of what is legally defined as harassment.

Comment Re:class act (Score 1) 171

If you can't even stop pretending that "Anklagad" and "Ã¥talad" are these weird mystical Swedish concepts when in fact they simply map directly to the accused (Aklagad) and charged (Ã¥talad), then what's the point even trying to debate the rest of your points directly? You'll only read what you want to read, twist what does suit how you want to twist. It's all pointless.

There's a certain irony that you feel that by digging back 2 years you've managed to find five whole posts on the topic of Assange by me, and think that I'm therefore a vehement defender of Assange whilst failing to realise that you've largely confirmed my point, my point was simply that I hadn't bothered to respond to your recent posts until now, and in searching as desperately as you have you seem to have confirmed that given that you've not found a single post in 2014, and barely a handful going all the way back to what, 2011? You say I bother "every bloody time", yet apparently I haven't bothered this year at all.

Now let's compare and contrast this to your posting record on the situation, well it turns out that in the last 6 months alone we can find what, the best part of 100 posts from you on the subject? Have you hit 20 yet on this one single story? I imagine you're close by now.

So just step back and consider this, whose posting record on the topic is probably relatively normal? Whose is rather disturbingly obsessive and abnormal? When you've answered this for yourself, tell me, am I an Assange fanboy? Or are you so obsessively filled with hate for him that anyone that doesn't agree with you is simply in your mind an Assange fanboy? Would an Assange fanboy not even bother to post on a topic about him for a year? to not bother defending him in the face of your many tens, possibly over a hundred posts? Now extrapolate this with your comment, you claim I'm one of the most extreme Assange fanboys on this site, and if the most extreme Assange fanboys on this site are therefore, by logical extension, posting an order of magnitude less than those posting to attack Assange, then which side is most extreme really?

So you see Rei, this is the problem. You're so caught up in your distortions that you have nothing in your mind but distortions. You think a handful of posts across a few years is evidence of fanboyism, yet you think the best part of a hundred posts in less than a year is perfectly healthy. Have I posted more frequently in the past going back even more years? possibly, but if I did it probably wasn't really healthy either.

Whilst I think the case is all a little odd, and the odds don't seem in the prosecution's favour given the way they're misbehaving, as the Swedish courts agree, I'm still perfectly open to the possibility that he will eventually stand trial and be found guilty, not be extradited on to the US, and be out of jail after probably a relatively short sentence. I'm happy with the idea that if I'm wrong, that a few posts I made on the subject were misguided. What about you? are you open to the idea that he may well be innocent? if the case is dropped would you be willing to accept a lack of guilt or would you simply say he cheated his way out of it with political games? if it goes to trial and he's not found guilty, will you not feel a little silly that you spent many hours making hundreds of posts attacking him? or will it just be a miscarriage of justice to you?

Comment Re:class act (Score 2) 171

You'll have to excuse the grossly misleading headline and summary, I just noticed it's posted by Rei.

Rei turns up on Slashdot every time an Assange story turns up. She's mentioned before that she was a victim of assault, and so has basically decided to make it her life long internet crusade to ensure that any man accused of rape is determined to be guilty, and fuck the law and all that.

She likes to sound intelligent by throwing in random Swedish words like the Swedish version of "the accused" as if it somehow makes her sound more intelligent, but honestly it just comes across as plain weird, I really to this day cannot understand why you'd write out a paragraph in English and just throw in a few otherwise directly translatable words in Swedish other than to try and pretend you have more of a clue than you actually do.

But don't take my word for it. She's already spreading her bile in this discussion already:

"Rape fugitive"? yeah sure Rei, that doesn't sound like a loaded description of someone who has neither been found guilty of rape, nor even been charged for rape, but merely wanted for questioning. Oh let me guess, the tired old "but Sweden can't charge someone without doing it on their soil!". Bollocks. Completely false. Sweden can do this and have done this. They haven't done it because they're not far enough along in their investigation yet. Sweden isn't far along enough in it's investigation yet because it refuses to question Assange anywhere other than on it's soil even though it can and has done this for many other suspects in the past. All of this is mentioned black and white in places like this, by journalists that have actually done their homework, unlike propagandist man-haters like Rei:

In fact, Sweden's own courts recently criticised Assange's prosecutors for not being willing to move the case forward by simply questioning him in the UK or via video link:

To quote:

"The Court of Appeal notes, however, that the investigation into the suspected crimes has come to a halt and considers that the failure of the prosecutors to examine alternative avenues is not in line with their obligation â" in the interests of everyone concerned â" to move the preliminary investigation forward."

Honestly I've not bothered before, but it's getting tiresome seeing the same old biased hatred filled trash coming from her. It's become impossible to have a rational discussion on Slashdot about the whole Assange thing with her bile and random nonsensical insertion of an arbitrary selection of Swedish words. Yes it sucks what happened to you Rei, but that doesn't mean that we should just throw all semblance of justice and reason out the window just for you.

It's basically become Rei's own personal bitch the fuck out of Assange space. Go away Rei, Slashdot isn't yours, you don't get to unilaterally set the fucking agenda and shame on the editors for allowing it in this case.

Of course we, the UK tax payers, stuck in the middle are footing the bill for this Swedish prosecution caused farce that people like Rei are so quick to defend because of their own personal issues:

Rapists should be hung, drawn, and quartered, and the widespread failure by authorities globally to deal with sexual assault and obtain convictions in cases where they should is a major problem. Conviction rates seem to be from a statistical standpoint unrealistically low, and it needs to change. But when a prosecution can't even be bothered to determine that someone is one and actively avoids doing so then it doesn't instil confidence that they genuinely believe they have much of a case and quite why we're assisting Sweden in this farce I have no idea - Sweden needs to start footing the fucking bill, or get the hell on with their investigation. The excuses don't cut it anymore when they've even been discredited by Sweden's own courts.

Comment Re:Tired of this bullshit (Score 1) 130

Oh I see, so you're confusing Russian regulars with Chechen guerillas? If you can't even tell the difference between the two sides it's no wonder you're more than a little confused about it all. I'll give you a hint, the Russian regulars of Chechen descent aren't the same as the vast amount of Chechens that want independence.

Comment Re:But does it report artificially low ink levels? (Score 1) 270

Nobody wants DRM. The companies impose it on us to prevent unauthorized use.

I think for a coffee maker. The fact that they are trying to say which coffee you can and can't use is really stupid. Unless they show that ripoff k-cups somehow harm the system.

I know with Solid Ink Printers. You really need to use the branded ink. The cheap third party stuff has a slightly differing heating and cooling rate. Where over time they gum up the internals and you have a printer with solid ink stalagmites and stalactites on the inside.

Comment Re:Not "ridesharing" (Score 1) 139

A big problem today is the difficulty in making extra cash.

You can grow some food pr bake, find an empty spot in a public bazar and hoc your goods. (Your food needs to be checked by the FDA you will need to get and pay for a license to sell at that location).
Uber has its bad points but what it does is empower citizens to do things that will make them some extra money, If you are willing to drive people after work then go ahead, if you want to make a career out of it that is good too.
There is also similar sites where you can rent your home. The cities are cracking down on this because it could be considered hotelling.

Now I am not trying to give a republican rant about Big Government. But we should change the discussion from big vs small government to if the laws passed empower or restrict the freedoms of the individuals.

Comment Re:Not sure who to cheer for (Score 1) 190

So you are proposing censoring billions of people because they are showing you content that you don't like.
That sounds very dictatorial of you. Now no one is forcing you to go to these sites that you hate so much.
The fact that you are visiting them, means you are getting content that you like. If those ads are so offensive I am sure you can find some sites with paywalls, or sites willing to take your money to replace it with ads.

99% of the web is garbage to me too. But guess what... I am willing to bet that it may not be the same 99% as yours. Part of freedom of speech means we get a variety of interests and ideas. You don't like LOL Cats that is fine, other people do, however they may not be willing to pay a subscription to it.

Comment Re:vs WebP (Score 1) 377

Animated picture formats in general are a disaster waiting to happen.
While I don't do much photographic work, the featured I prefer are in PNG formats, such as Alpha transparencies. But what I would like to see is the ability to blur/distort the background.
So you can have a magnifying glass picture that can make the background of the image larger, or having an image overlay that can mimic a piece of paper and have a faint image behind it a bit blurry.
But more to the point we need different formats for different jobs. If you try to make a good compressed photo format you will loose out on features. If you want featured you will loose out on size, rendering speed, and quality.

Comment Re:Tired of this bullshit (Score 1) 130

Is there anything in your world of paranoia that isn't an absolute conspiracy theory? I mean, are you one of those guys who think 9/11 was done by the Jews, and NASA never actually made it the moon?

I have to wonder if people as batshit insane as you are have any grasp of how crazy you actually sound?

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