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Comment Re:This whole issue needs to be buried (Score 1) 365

Just to throw it out there for you: my retired grandparents did. Just as mine are doing so for my sibling's spawns.

It isn't unusual in some cultures for an extended family to care for children, thus allowing both parents to work.

May or may not result in kids with more emotional ties to the grandparents but, what can you do.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 326

You're right. It's sexist. It implies men can only be drawn in by sexual attraction. It implies men cannot be hired at the booths because the jobs are preferentially given to women. It implies women hold a power over men just by existing that reduces men to simmering hormonal idiots that then cannot make a rational decision because their libido trumps their common sense.

Oh wait, you were going for the women being the victim here. My mistake. Misuse of 'literal' should have been the flag.

Comment Re: *eye roll* (Score 1) 79

You act like it's impossible to hate your own ethnicity. Racist is racist, regardless of punching up, down, left, right, or yourself in the crotch.

Anyway, contrary to the Republic of Mah Feelz, butthurt isn't legal grounds (for any value of 'Not Sweden'), so unless it's an actual death threat, this is pointless pandering.

Well, no, Airstrip One has fun views of terrorism, so people tweeting about a party being a blast might get swept up too.

Comment Re:Ok, let me get this straight: (Score 1) 135

Excepting the ability to make a webpage saying something, and then have another person ('web journalist') quote it, and suddenly your original research, without any proof or review, is now credible fact. Do it a few more times and it's irrefutable and you don't even need words like 'alleged' anymore. A reinforcing circle jerk of obfuscation.

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