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Comment there's another word for carbon trapping (Score 4, Insightful) 319

oxygen production. plankton are the foundation of the ocean ecosystem. i'm a lefty, but this seems like a win win. change will happen. but no more than when we make hydroelectric dams that drastically change the water temperature so all of the indigenous fish die and have to be replaced with colder water species. and these types of changes are justified every day. I really don't see a problem with this. let's do a study to see what happens when we offer fish more food. you get more fish.

Comment Ray (Score 1) 315

Having been an avid scifi fan since 5th grade, Ray Bradbury was up there with my favorites of Heinlein, Herbert, and Asimov. Everytime I hear "Major Tom", I think of a short story by Ray Bradbury.

Comment Re:Cant stop a moving train (Score 1) 234

Here's a solution. Once this passes, everyone cancel their internet service. All of it. Use work internet because we don't pay for it, but cancel all of our residential internet. Instead of blacking out the internet, we just quit the internet. An internet not worth browsing is marginally different than no internet.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
