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Submission + - Getting off Grandpa's Lawn: Teenagers leaving Facebook for Mobile Apps ( 1

McGruber writes: In The Guardian, technology writer Parmy Olson points out ( that Facebook (FB) made a startling admission in its earnings announcement this month: it was seeing a "decrease in daily users, specifically among teens". While teenagers are still on Facebook; they're not using it as much as they did. It was a landmark statement, since teens are the demographic who often point the rest of us towards the next big thing.

The exodus of teenagers "to messaging apps such as WhatsApp, WeChat and KakaoTalk boils down to Facebook becoming a victim of its own success. The road to gaining nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users has seen the mums, dads, aunts and uncles of the generation who pioneered Facebook join it too, spamming their walls with inspirational quotes and images of cute animals, and (shock, horror) commenting on their kids' photos. No surprise, then, that Facebook is no longer a place for uninhibited status updates about pub antics, but an obligatory communication tool that younger people maintain because everyone else does.

All the fun stuff is happening elsewhere. On their mobiles."

Comment New York State of Health AWOL (Score 1) 499

tried the Sherpa nothing for my state. But then, NY doesn't need to be shown how to steer folks to health insurance options. Newyorkstateofhealth has been delivering the questionable ACA goods for a while now.

Why would a guy with no insurance call it "questionable"? It used to offer 170$/mo plans with 1200$ deductibles to guys in my category but now that any strung out hooker or dipsomaniac can be assured medical care, the cost is 300/month and the deductible is 3000$.

Where is the incentive to be personally responsible for your own health and its costs in a scheme like this?

Comment Re:tried it (Score 2) 169

And what if you are color blind? I am not color blind and can't make heads or tails of these paintball shotgun patterns vs the text descriptions.

Yes one objective is to frustrate bots ...but if you frustrate humans, as pla points out, then you are a non-starter. Go back to your room CMU compsci person 'cause I know you are smart enough to do better.

Submission + - Internet Archive Burns (

Rambo Tribble writes: The San Francisco building housing the Internet Archive, and its popular Wayback Machine, has suffered a serious fire. While no archived data was destroyed, materials awaiting archival were. Rebuilding with be a major undertaking, and the group is soliciting donations.

Submission + - Voice commands for Linux? 1

extremelynerdy writes: I have a friend who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy and can not use his hands to operate a mouse or keybooad. Is there any distribution of Linux and/or android that he could use? He needs to use voice commands to input mouse commands and speech recognition for disctating text.
I've tried to Dragon Dictate...but he is having trouble with training...probably because of the Trach.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Submission + - Not net neutrality...again

museumpeace writes: According to Marvin Ammori at Wired, the big carriers have played regulatory chess well and have FCC and EFF and most of us caught in an end-game where one last court case can free the backbone providers to extort higher or extra fees if a website or content provider wants content to load quickly. (a) I didn't know it was that close to done (b) where will carriers put the brakes on traffic and is there no way around them?

Submission + - 40 Effectively Designed Charity Web Sites (

An anonymous reader writes: A charity or cause may not need the sleek sales pages of a business on the web, but a poorly designed one could still mean the difference ...

Comment Re:Secure Online Wallet (Score 1) 285

Unfortunately for the average consumer, in fact virtually all consumers, the present scheme for credit card online purchases, e.g. Amazon, is trying to tell you that you can have all 3. What percent of consumers have to take a loss before either they or their card provider's insurance co. pulls the plug on this bizarre bazaar?

Comment motives? (Score 2) 285

It does not sound like Nation State Attacker was at work here.
The attack was not so sophisticated that the infosec boys were left scratching their heads as to how the breach was made. In fact, for a so-called vault, leaving up the access to old accounts that skirt 2FA seems sloppy.
And, certainly, having 4100 BTC to spend for your porn and drugs would be motivation to some who are capable of such an attack.

But I assume central banks and gov'ts with propped up currencies don't want to see Bitcoin really take off. Just breaking everyone's trust in BTC is a win for them.

Comment there is a cost (Score 1) 109

It costs, yes, real money, to keep your information private.
witness the positive and contrapositve:
1. the slow but steady growth of, a paid subscription social web SERVICE/platform [handily the equal or better of /. IMO] that takes a bit of your money instead of of selling your ID-related data [no f**king ads for those of you who can read but not connect dots]
2. the way all the "free" web services provided by Google, Farcebook, (and god knows what Twitter will suck out of you for the stockholder's benefit and turn over to random hustlers)
3. yahoo, amazon, etc...what service have you used for free and then NOT seen strangely appropriate adverts in the side bar?
4. Swiss bank accounts are synonymous with "privacy means not having to pay my share of the social contract"

so, how will the Swiss pay for this service??? or will YOU pay for it in their stead, as a very few of you pay for their banking services?

Submission + - Would you secure personal data with DRM tools?

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