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Comment Re: Bricking or Tracking? (Score 2) 299

I'd recommend reading "The Conquest of Bread" by Peter Kropotkin.

My perspective is that governments and economies are command and control technologies for civilizations, and the ones we have are ill suited to a world without scarcity. They destroy wealth to make the system work as it is, and with the technologies emerging, it's going to become ridiculous. So, the imperative is to create a better command and control technology, one that is fair, makes everyone feel suitability represented, elevates the right people at the right time and works toward abundance instead of destroying it.

Comment Re:Bricking or Tracking? (Score -1) 299

They want to prevent people from using new communication technology to self-organize and make the existing government obsolete.

Or maybe it's that I want to use mobile as a platform to develop new communication technology that will let people self-organize and make existing government obsolete, but this renders the enterprise pointless.

Yeah, probably that second one.

Comment Re: Women should earn more than men. (Score 5, Insightful) 98

Am I the only one who looks at this and thinks, "Here's clear evidence that, contrary to popular rhetoric, there is a powerful pro-female bias in this society, and any underrepresentation and underfunding that exists can therefore be entirely attributed to, I won't say failings... attributed to the character, capabilities and choices of women"?

Comment Re: Now this is funny. (Score 1) 109

Personally, I type faster than I speak and think faster than I can type. Much, much faster. I was forced to take touch typing in high school as a prerequisite for computer courses and despite being insulted at having to take a class I considered "secretary work" at the time, I now see it as the most useful course I ever took.

10 lines of code... dear God are you literally retarded? When I'm in the implantation phase I churn out literally thousands of lines of code in a day. You have to be making this up.

Comment Re: A truly smart person ... (Score 3, Insightful) 391

When you're not good at anything, you think everyone else is faking it. When you're gifted and you don't challenge yourself, you think you're good at everything. But, if you're gifted and challenge yourself regularly, you learn to acknowledge what you do and do not know. Once that happens, you claim the mastery that is your due, respect it when you see it in others, and lose patience with those who constantly want to dispute the validity of what you've become. You learn to despise the word "opinion", because you constantly have it thrown in your teeth by people whose ego is incapable of acknowledging that expertise exists at all, let alone acknowledge that you might have it.

At least, that's been my observation and experience. It's part of why I like volunteer work. When people are benefiting from your brilliance and watching you let others lead while you learn from them, they're less inclined to constantly challenge your capabilities, and more pleasant to be around. Purely social environments like bars and parties on the other hand, are a psychologically draining environment where bullshit flies, assertions are never compared against objective reality, and just listening to people talk threatens to make you stupider by normalizing a lack of rigor and discipline in acknowledging that you have areas of ignorance that no inherent brilliance can overcome.

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