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Journal Journal: IE7 standards compliance: fact versus hype

The MSDN blogs insist that they rewrote IE from the ground up. Uh, no.

Yes, they corrected box model related glitches which were almost entirely the result of miscalculating which thing takes precedence, and there were a slew of them. Congrats on fixing those -- after nearly half a decade of reports and complaints. And yes, it looks like the > operator works now and :hover now works with all valid elements.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I metamoderate therefore I am.

I'll keep it short. I appear to get to metamoderate on a regular basis here, and having two posts being modded "Troll" recently (one deserved, one a joke I made too subtle) hasn't changed that any.

One-line comments marked "Insightful" are going to be pounded into the ground unless they're actually insightful. That means, "articulates a point (or point of view) you might not have taken into account," and a short sentence is usually not up to the challenge.

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