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Comment Double standard (Score 1) 1145

There is such a double standard wrt harassment. I saw a male peer be asked to change his desktop background while our female superior had a "Penises of the Animal Kingdom " poster in her office.

Btw the desktop picture was the face of a woman, neck and up not an ounce of cleavage. So, yup as a man you have to be more careful than as a woman and that's not cool.

Comment Depends on the product (Score 5, Insightful) 432

If you was your time upfront and someone beats you to the market, who cares about the engineering!! If you capture the market for a new idea you can use a more formal process for v2 while your competitors missed out.

If you are building my pacemaker, then lets be formal from the start!!

Seems, dumb to make a one size fits all statement about hacking out some code vs. engineering.

Comment Re:A 10pm internet curfew? (Score 1) 505

I let my kids know that the number of rules they have will be inversely proportional to how they handle their responsibilities. If they are doing the things they need to do, and getting good grades without a lot of hand holding they will have very few rules and a lot of freedom. If their grades slip and they don't take care of their responsibilities they will be going to school in a uniform and in bed by 8 with no electronics.

Putting them in control of the rules that they live by has worked out pretty well so far. If I'm lucky it will until the move out.....

Comment Re:if you drink, don't drive (Score 4, Interesting) 391

Many years ago I was at a bar in NJ listening to a band. I had 1 beer over the whole 4 hours I was there. I was younger and dancing my ass off so no time to drink. I was pulled over on the way back to my apartment. When they noticed my MN drivers license they asked me to take a breathalyzer, I did. When I passed it, they had another squad car there and asked me to take another one. This happened one more time before I refused. I had been breathalyzed 3 times and was still afraid that if I refused they would rough me up for not following orders. But, I finally said no because it was obvious that they were just hoping for a misreading. Then they all stood in a circle and talked and let me go. I was about 22 at the time and it has definitely helped to make me distrust police.

Comment Re:Hmmm, lets sell 2,000 guns to criminals (Score 2) 611

Sorry I got the wrong agency. Doesn't really change anything about what happened. And, BTW I'm not a right winger(nice flamebait from an AC). I voted for Obama and have been very disappointed in my vote, because he did not do the left wing things he promised to. Even the ones that were totally under the control of the executive office.

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