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Palm Pre and WebOS Get Native Gaming 49

rboatright writes "WebOS developers have been waiting, and with the 1.3.5 release, Palm's open source page suddenly listed SDL. Members of the WebOS internals team took that as a challenge and within 24 hours had a working port of Doom running in SDL on the Pre, in a webOS card. 48 hours later, they not only had Quake running, but had found in the latest LunaSysMgr the requirements to launch a native app from the webOS app launcher from an icon just like any other app. At the same time, the team demonstrated openGL apps running. With full native code support, with I/O available via SDL, developers now have a preview into Palm's future intent with regard to native code SDK's, and a hint of what's coming."

Comment Good reviews of Star Trek too. (Score 2, Informative) 629

His reviews of Generations and Insurrection are good too: besides the obvious flaws in the plots of both, he knows the TV series well enough to find the non-obvious continuity flaws. Intercutting the plot of Insurrection with footage of Picard chewing Wesley a new one for doing exactly (and I mean EXACTLY) the things that Picard does in the film is exquisite.


Pirates as a Marketplace 214

John Riccitiello, the CEO of Electronic Arts, made some revealing comments in an interview with Kotaku about how the company's attitudes are shifting with regard to software piracy. Quoting: "Some of the people buying this DLC are not people who bought the game in a new shrink-wrapped box. That could be seen as a dark cloud, a mass of gamers who play a game without contributing a penny to EA. But around that cloud Riccitiello identified a silver lining: 'There's a sizable pirate market and a sizable second sale market and we want to try to generate revenue in that marketplace,' he said, pointing to DLC as a way to do it. The EA boss would prefer people bought their games, of course. 'I don't think anybody should pirate anything,' he said. 'I believe in the artistry of the people who build [the games industry.] I profoundly believe that. And when you steal from us, you steal from them. Having said that, there's a lot of people who do.' So encourage those pirates to pay for something, he figures. Riccitiello explained that EA's download services aren't perfect at distinguishing between used copies of games and pirated copies. As a result, he suggested, EA sells DLC to both communities of gamers. And that's how a pirate can turn into a paying customer."

Comment Re:Apple's activity is criminal here, Palm's is le (Score 1) 656

It's even better than that, not only is all the data on the disk already but, as nneonneo points out above, Apple provide a nice neat .XML file (with a fully published spec) that tells any application that wants to know exactly where all the data is, plus anything else it knows about it, plus the playlists.

Palm haven't written any desktop software any more, I guess because their philosophy is "WebOs doesn't need to sync to your PC, it syncs to the cloud!" which is fine except most people don't yet have their music in the cloud.


Submission + - 4-year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher

melikamp writes: A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension, according to the father. But La Vega school administrators have a different story. Damarcus Blackwell's four-year-old son was lining-up to get on the bus after school last month, when he was accused of rubbing his face in the chest of a female employee. The prinicipal of La Vega Primary School sent a letter to the Blackwells that said the pre-kindergartener demonstrated "inappropriate physical behavior interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual harassment." [Verbatim from prisonplanet.com]
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Curt Schilling opens video game studio

An anonymous reader writes: Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is the first professional athlete to open his own video game studio, Green Monster Games (GMG). Located in Maynard, MA, Schilling's GMG will focus solely on creating massively multiplayer online (MMO) games aimed at the mass market. Schilling has been a passionate gamer for a long, long time and he's decided to spend the second chapter of his career making video games.

Submission + - The game console wars on amazon.com

An anonymous reader writes: (EDITOR: I couldn't find a suitable topic) GameConsoleWars.com shows graphs of the current state of the game console wars on Amazon.com. While it's too soon to judge which 'next gen' game console has the most demand due to supply problems, the site shows some interesting statistics as things start to become a bit more competitive.

Submission + - Trade shows worth your time in 2007

coondoggie writes: "There's a reason Comdex went away, and it wasn't the overpriced Las Vegas hotel rooms.Comdex, once the mother of all IT-related events, faded away after its last season in 2003, too big for its own good. Maybe showcasing padded laptop bags next to enterprise switches wasn't such a great idea after all. Today the trend among industry events is toward focus; conferences such as the gadget-happy Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and network-centric Interop exemplify that with a little bit of tailoring a trade show can offer real value. So we've scanned the IT trade show calendar for 2007 to come up with a list of events that will likely offer the most bang for your buck. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2006/121306-show- story.html"

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