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Feed Engadget: OLPC reviewed... by a twelve-year-old (

Filed under: Laptops

Somehow, a twelve-year-old child has been given the opportunity to take the OLPC for a test drive, and we've got the blow-by-blow for you. The critic, named "SG," has spent a lifetime using computers, and claims that he / she had low expectations, but the OLPC took him / her "by surprise," calling the child-centric green laptop "cleverly designed, imaginative, [and] straightforward." The reviewer says that Negroponte's pet-project is "great for first time users," and lauds the PCs games and camera, as well as the "application that allows you to type things." Unfortunately, it's not all cheers for the humanitarian computer, as the critic discovered that applications were slow to open, the system was prone to crashes, and the OS delivers no message before the battery loses charge. "I had to wait two minutes to get onto one application," he / she says, and "it got slower... the longer I went without rebooting it." In the end, however, SG gives the laptop high marks, concluding that the value, build quality, and bundled software outweigh the minor annoyances he / she had with the system, closing the review by simply stating, "This program is truly amazing."

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

Feed Engadget: Ubuntu creator claims more Linux-based Dells to emerge (

Filed under: Desktops, Laptops

It's not like this one was too difficult to see coming, but it sounds like Dell just may have a few more machines ready to take the Linux dip in the not-too-distant future. According to Mark Shuttleworth, noted as creator of Ubuntu, "Dell is happy with the demand it has seen for its Linux PCs," and he also mentioned that "what's been announced to date is not the full extent of what we will see over the next couple of weeks and months." As if that wasn't clear as glass, he concluded by stating that "additional offerings [are] in the pipeline," and while Dell wouldn't directly comment on the allegations, a spokeswoman did note that firm "was pleased with customer response to its Linux PCs." Chalk another one up for the open-sourcers.

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

Feed Engadget: European Commission issues antitrust charges against Intel (

Filed under: Desktops, Laptops

Well they've been sniffing around the chip giant for quite some time now, but the European Commission has finally issued "formal charges against Intel for allegedly using illegal tactics against smaller rival Advanced Micro Devices," and according to a spokesperson for the EC, "the statement of objections has been sent." Supposedly, the EU's top antitrust regulator "has spent years investigating Intel's tactics to determine whether it acted unfairly to preserve its dominance over AMD," and now the time has finally come for the hammer to drop. Sadly, further details about the grievances have yet to be divulged, but we doubt Intel, who declined to comment on the situation, will be brushing this off its shoulders anytime soon.

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

Feed Engadget: iPhone Dev Wiki update: the floodgates have opened (

Filed under: Cellphones

Thanks in large part to the work by the gents at the Dev Wiki, a working toolchain -- including a compiler, assembler, and linker -- and the dedicated efforts of many inspired types, the iPhone apps are arriving en masse. So far the list includes tools like a working Apache we server, python, shell -- and a pile of associated binaries like ls, rm, echo, csh, and tsh -- and while these might not be terribly thrilling for Joe everyday user, they are a pretty kicking start. We could start to see all manner of fun stuff arriving in the coming weeks, unless, of course, Apple pulls the plug via an update. Again, we won't link to the goods, but a wee bit of searching should get you on your way.

[Thanks, Paul]

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


Submission + - Dovecot mail server reaching 1.0.0

spinash writes: Timo Sirainen and a crew of developers announced the release of Dovecot 1.0.0. It took almost 5 years, but it's finally ready ! Dovecot is an open source IMAP and POP3 server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security primarily in mind. Dovecot is an excellent choice for both small and large installations. It's fast, simple to set up, requires no special administration and it uses very little memory.
The Internet

Submission + - Google Buys DoubleClick

Thib writes: As previously discussed, Google beat Microsoft and Yahoo to it and snapped up DoubleClick for 3.1 billion dollars in cash. The current owners of DoubleClick bought it in 2005 for 1.1 billion dollars. From the article: "During a conference call with analysts on Friday afternoon, Schmidt said Google had been thinking about making this acquisition for a 'very, very long time.' Schmidt added that the addition of DoubleClick to Google's business would strengthen Google's position with large brand-name advertisers, who tend to rely more on display ads than the search ads that are Google's bread and butter business."
User Journal

Journal Journal: SoftWars

------BEGIN SCRIPT--------

proclaimed the emperor
there will be no software freedom for them

the jar is a gift from the sun, he will fight first against us, then will
greatly assist us

go forth! make the hardware merchants aware of the greater price that awaits
those that do not bow to our wishes

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