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Comment Re:post-US Constituiton (Score 1) 55

Witness European nations outlawing blasphemy and other free speech issues that would be laughed out of court here.

Most of these laws are legacy.... can you cite some recent examples?
Also note EU countries are subject to rulings of the European court of human rights. There is no shortage of courts in which you can test your right to free speech.

Comment Ironic complaint :) (Score 0, Flamebait) 220

Welcome to leadership Obama. Where sometimes you have to make unpopular/hard choices and live with the consequences.

And I suppose you're unhappy with Obama for implementing health care...
Or maybe you're unhappy with him for releasing "prisoners" from Guantanamo...
Or maybe you're unhappy with him for murdering innocent civilians (including children) with drone strikes around the world.
Or maybe you're unhappy with him because the US foreign policy of bombing and deploying troops without declaring war, is one of the biggests threads to world peace, up there with Mr Putin...

For whatever reason you don't like him. Let's just agree that he certainly has made unpopular decisions.
And he lives with the consequences, such as republicans unwilling to make any deals with him, or get anything done.
(the quick reader will notice from my wording that I don't think all of his decisions were good).

Comment And then there is emacs :) (Score 1) 199

We have Chrome and Mozilla who for the most part dumped minor versions and we get a Major version every other week.

And then we have emacs where they dropped the major version number (see cute wikipedia story)..

In my mind a Major Number should be when there is a large change to the system.

On topic: Lots of things have changed in the linux 3.x series. For example the kernel now supports docker out of the box (if I recall correctly). This was added and improved over multiple releases, but there is a big difference between 3.0 and now. IMO, it's totally valid to make a major release...

Anyways, at the end of the day, this doesn't matter. But it is so lovely simple that everybody can have an opinion about it. So taking a poll on the issue is certainly both sane and cool as it highlights just how unimportant it really is :)

Comment Re:WTF- DRM-free please! (Score 1) 106

The fact that an organisation like mozilla, who stand for digital freedom and user rights, have implemented a proprietary software DRM method does make you wonder what the point of this device is.

AFAIK Mozilla isn't involved in the development... Other than the fact that Mozilla develops Firefox OS.

That said, I would much rather have properly containerized DRM provided by an organization I trust, than say flash...

Comment Re:Regulation Strikes again (Score 2) 194

Which is fine, except that now any thief with some cheap equipment can break into keyless cars, clone a key fob within a minute and drive away with it.

Comon that's just because manufacturers implement security through obscurity. Nothing prevents the keyless fob from containing a private key. There are many ways to make a key infrastructure such that only authorized third parties can clone keys. Just this is manufacturer incompetence/carelessness.

Comment Re:It took this long? (Score 1) 277

When I say, "It took this long?" I mean that a completely unregulated livery (taxi) service went this long without some Uber driver or other comitting a major crime upon one of their 'customers'?

In many countries regulation consists of mandatory training, extra drivers tests, advanced first aid courses, etc. Most companies requires a clean criminal record (well they review the record, in case of severe crimes). But in many countries entries on a criminal record also expires... These are not guarantees.

Either way, I feel more safe using Uber because there is an electronic record on everything linked to credit cards, car registrations, etc. So if a driver robs me tries something funny, filing criminal charges against the driver is easy. A random cap driver on the other hand is hard unless you're quick to memorize a license number.

Comment Re: Only a matter of time... (Score 3, Insightful) 277

The principle of "innocent until proven guilty" means that there should be quite a few dangerous people out there.

And if you refuse to hire people because of supposedly baseless accusations made against them, you can get sued for that too!

Why should it be okay for employers to consider applicants guilty until proven otherwise?

Comment Re:Only a matter of time... (Score 1, Insightful) 277

Do proper background checks to ensure criminals and rapists are not being hired?

Because criminals doesn't deserve a second chance... Note, in many countries it's illegal to ask for a criminal records when hiring, and if you're stupid enough to ask anyways many people have unions ready to sue on their behalf.

Either way, why doesn't this case belong in criminal court in India, I'm sure Uber would share: identity of the driver, timestamps, location data, etc. with authorities...

I suspect that this is more a case of frustration with how the Indian authorities handles rape cases.

Comment Transparency... (Score 1) 495

Unfortunately, the Internet service market in "socialist" Europe is actually more free market than in the U.S.

This might seem like a small thing, but transparent contracts is essential... In the use you see discounts, contracts that binds you for up to two years. in the EU you rarely see contracts beyond 6 months, all contacts must state the full minimum price for those 6 months...

Have you noticed how US telecoms always offers you a discount (sometimes 50%), but then over time the price goes up... Because the discount expires.
These kinds of shady deals don't happen in Europe. Telecoms may advice a price, and that what you pay. Occasionally there is discounts, but no where near to the same extent as in the US, where it's basically a default that people always want to be on a discount.

There is no free market with regulation to ensure transparent competition.

Comment Industry can't trains scientists... (Score 1) 484

H1Bs are as far as I understand for people with at least a BSc (with higher quote for people with MSc). I dare say that one does become a scientist by being trained in the industry. Granted one doesn't need to understand automatons, grammars, push-down automatons, Turing machines and how these are used to prove membership of computability and complexity classes... But you will never learn these things, or how to read/write scientific papers, or how to formally prove theorems by working in the industry.

You can certainly replace some MSc positions with less qualified developers. But developing with inexperienced developers can be very expensive (even if the developers are cheap). Learning to code in the industry doesn't compare to an MSc; it different - not useless.

Comment Agree... (Score 1) 299

I'm pretty sure Uber will look into it if you rate a driver zero stars with the comment "creep tried to rape me" :)

And I'd bet that Uper is checking meticulously that you're not cutting into Ubers share by booking only the first half of your ride by Uber and pay the driver cash for the rest of the trip.

Also drivers are pretty happy not to have cash... it's a lot faster to deal with payment through Uber and you're not a target for robbery.
Furthermore Uber does provide some insurance (at least I heard they do in the US) when the driver is carrying a passenger...

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 703

There's a reason college costs have been rising faster than the rate of inflation and free government money has a lot to do with it.

Maybe you're doing it wrong... In Denmark all tuition is paid by the Government.
But the amount a money available for universities is fairly fixed, however, the fixed pool is distributed between universities based on the number of students they have.. Effectively this means that univerisities are competing amongst themselves for the same amount of money..
The system isn't perfect, because universities have less money when some years have more students than others.

Anyways, when the government pays for tuition it can also decide how much it is willing to pay, and on what terms it pays out.

Comment "döms för hets mot folkgrupp" (Score 1) 319

I read Danish which is close to Swedish, and the summary says: Convicted for "character assassination"/"smear campaign" against a segment of the population.

Depending on circumstances and interpretation, this can certainly be a violation of the human rights.
Also note the source mentioned here doesn't say he was sentenced to prison...

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