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Comment Re:I smell money grab (Score 2) 167

Nice try, I'm pretty darn certain this isn't what they're going after, paying a buddy gas money to haul your couch. What they're going after is, people who are "your buddy" for hire and make a living off of hauling shit around without the proper licensing and quite likely half of it is under the table...

Thanks for the common sense here... I totally agree.

It's the same thing with Uber and ride sharing services, no authority cares if you ride-share with a friend, co-worker or neighbor, the problem is when apps tries to organize these kinds of "friend"-services, which makes them a commercial enterprise that doesn't honor regulation.

Comment Compare to other crimes... (Score 2) 190

Compared to other crimes... this isn't such a bad one. Note that:
A) The loss is your time,
B) Your bank/credit company absorbs and amortizes the money stolen (only perusing it further if it makes sense financially),
C) Apart from your time (A) no property was destroyed or lost.

Compare this to a burglar who turns your home upside down, makes it impossible to assess what was lost, and then think that this burglar sells your MacBook for 10% of the asking price... Lost of property destroyed and lots of value is lost in such a crime. Not to mention psychological stress of someone invading your private home.
Or compare to a spammer, just think how many man-hours (distributed over many people) a typical spammer destroys, spamming is an extremely destructive crime (And lots of "legit" companies still send spam in one form or another).

I'm not saying identity theft is a nice crime, there are certainly bad examples of people building up a lot of debt and rather than just using a few fake checks and credit card purchases.
IMO, large part of the problem here is also companies willingness to let you take up debt without proper proof of identity. And companies fighting back aggressive and sending you to collection when you refuse to talked to them because you declare it fraud.

Note, I'm not saying fraud shouldn't be investigated, and that there aren't extreme cases that warrant a lot of investigative resources. But in many cases, such as simple credit card fraud, this is one of the least destructive crimes.

Comment Re:Bold statements about other countries' politics (Score 1) 161

Put up a statue to the folks who prosecuted the Christian Democratic Union's campaign donations scandal in 1999, or Kathrin Oertel, the leader of an anti-islamic nationalist group who recently resigned and recanted, and *then* you can pat yourselves on the back.

Have these people fled their country due to fear of unfair prosecution? Have they been prosecuted?

These cases are good example of people doing the right thing and being recognized for it... As oppose to facing unfair being persecuted.

Also don't compare a donation scandal or the onset of common sense in a racialist to the persistent violation of privacy (a human right) by the US. Note that the US haven't recognized wrong doing, despite violating human rights on a global scale (crossing borders, etc).

I'm sure the donation scandal (I don't know the details) was bad, but it's not global, it didn't violate the rights of hundreds of millions of people.

Comment Re:The only unlimited credit line you can get (Score 1) 234

I don't understand why phone companies don't just set a max for your bill and then shut you off if it goes over that, at least for billable items like long distance.

Because it doesn't cost them anything to sell you 23k in long distance service... So even if you'll never be able to pay it off, that's not a problem for them.
In fact many credit card companies (pay day loans) etc. prey on people in ability to pay off loans, that then proceed to incur interest and late fees.

The only way to fix things like this through regulation... i.e. force phone providers to set a default max limit of say $500, and require that customers are offered a way to change the max limit.
These things won't come on their own.. So they'll likely never happen in the US.

Comment Re:Every Dog's Day (Score 1) 216

In the seventy-ties?

That's a very strange construct.

checks... phones... physical mail... standing in line at public offices...
I'm from Denmark where I would apply for university, student housing, educational support, taxes, housing support, birth certificate, chance of address, all digital; any interaction with public sector was digital... All money transfers were digital...

Over here it's in my experience mainly paper.. paper and more paper... I've never used a check before...No automatic bill payment system, etc. my bank offers to send a check by mail from their website (I honestly thought the teller was joking when he told me this)..

Comment Re:Don't single out EPA (Score 1) 355

In this specific case, there's a lot of international temperature data that is simply not available publicly, largely due to a variety of local political concerns

Health data too... Lack of proper regulation of exhaust... and lack of gasoline taxes we see on most other industrialized nations causes a lot of pollution in the US... This affects both the global environment, but it certainly also kills a lot of people who live in cities in the US... Due to lung cancer, etc....

Comment Re:Taxis (Score 1) 193

Some day I want to find the author or pundit who started this whole 'the government is responsible for monopolies, they can not exist without the state' meme and punch them. Then force them to take actual classes in history and economics.

Please do... I suspect it's the same crowd that thinks EU anti-trust cases against Microsoft, Google, etc. is all about handing out fines to American companies...

Comment Re:Pinto (Score 1) 247

That's what CA gets for demonizing police. Here, people cheer when a cop pulls over someone being an idiot in public.

I live in SF... I regularly see police cars violating full stop signs... Or driving so fast down hill that it makes sounds when they break...

From what I experience most Americans, as in an actual majority are completely reckless on the road. Even inside a major city. Running stop sign, accelerating towards stops signs and red lights... Entering an intersection while a pedestrian is crossing. During right through a pedestrian crossing while a pedestrian is cross...

Don't get me wrong, I understand that every now and then, we all make mistakes in traffic. But in the US it seems like there is a systemic disregard for public safety.
Note, obviously the roads also configured in a manner where they can't handle the load (street parking on major road). Personally I don't drive in SF, because I don't think it's possible for any normal human being do to so responsibly. That's not to say that I endorse systemic disregard for the traffic law, only to say I understand why people drive the way they do. Unfortunately the implication is that people shouldn't drive (because it can't be done legally), but of course you can't convince an American about that.

Comment Re:Every Dog's Day (Score 1) 216

Like US car companies, it is very hard to admit when the fat years are over. Give them time; I suspect they will come around a bit.

Like anything in the US, all the big players wants to keep status quo. In many ways I experience the US as being hopelessly stuck in the 70'ties...
Granted I've only lived here for a little more than a year now, nor was alive in the 70'ties :)

Comment Re:DRM (Score 1) 278

Moreover, failing to provide a service is not the same as "actively preventing".

Agree... My point was that it would like be fruitful to argue that against DRM using ADA.
By implication one could also make the argument that DRM which is "actively preventing" automatic transcription in turn obligates Netflix to provide transcripts.

It's a far out argument... I don't think Netflix should be required to provide transcripts for everything. But I do think that DRM is wrong, that it is discrimination against anyone who needs assistive technologies. IMO, applying ADA and similar provisions would be interesting in the fight against DRM.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 676

From what I can tell, deleting potential evidence that you even think might be subpoenaed later is a crime.

Isn't it just that her email was supposed to be public record. It's not okay to use a personal email for official purposes that needs to be part of public record.
But it's not evidence... in general you also have the right to not incriminate yourself... But it's not relevant here...
What I don't see is whether or not she even used it... Somehow I suspect high-level officials don't do a lot of email, but have assistants to keep track of correspondence.

A pretty serious one. And the Republicans have been threatening to subpoena for those records since the scandal started.

Aren't they only threatening to subpoena it so they can make a scandal out of the emails not being public record...
There have been too many non-stories blown way out of proportions like "Obamas birth certificate" and "Benghazi", all complete crazy talk. So when republicans cry wolf, I don't really bother checking if it's a non-story or not... Those stories seems to have the credibility of a tabloid magazine (same credibility level as critical slashdot stories, seriously try digging beyond the summary of all outrageous slashdot stores for a week -- it's depressive how much of it is spin/twits and non-stories blown up to make an outrageous headline and summary).

Comment DRM (Score 1) 278

That would be like suing a book store for not having audiobooks and braille for all of their titles. Sometimes that little prick in a wheel chair causing trouble at the end of the day is just a little prick.

I see a potential argument that DRM prevents assistive technologies that can do transcription for you...
It true that many books aren't available as audiobooks or braille, but they are not intentionally covered with a plastic film designed to make it impossible to scan them into a program that can read out loud...
In fact many people with dyslexia relies on a scanning books and text-to-speech technology for their studies.

Anyways, yes, requiring all titles to have subtitles might be crazy... But NetFlix is actively preventing disabled people from using their content with DRM. I'm not sure that's okay, it's certainly different from not having audiobooks for all titles.

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