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Comment Re:Believe it when I see it (Score 1) 518

No, healthy skepticism allowed us to realize that the mass of an object won't affect it's acceleration due to gravity in a vacuum and yet not be on repeated expeditions looking for a unicorn nest. Cynicism would have us still believing that an object set into motion remains in motion until it gets tired, then it falls.

Comment Re: Looking more and more likely all the time... (Score 1) 518

But it's not generating thrust by microwave emission. If the thrust is of the form of action-reaction, we have yet to detect what it is pushing against. Hence the wild speculation about virtual particles or the fabric of space. Even those seem more likely than it being truly reactionless but it wouldn't be any less useful if one of those proves to be the case.

Comment Re:What benefit to announcing it? (Score 1) 203

Apple is the best of the bad, Google is slipping and breaking promises and as usual, the carriers are making squishy sounds in the slime pit.

But since the entire concept of the free market depends on well educated consumers, the FTC should make the market stronger by forcing them all to state the service life up front and stick to it. For the good of the market.

Submission + - German scientists confirm NASA results of propellantless 'impossible' EM drive (examiner.com)

MarkWhittington writes: Hacked Magazine reported that a group of German scientists believe that they have confirmed that the EM Drive, the propulsion device that uses microwaves rather than rocket fuel, provides thrust. The experimental results are being presented at the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics' Propulsion and Energy Forum in Orlando by Martin Tajmar, a professor and chair for Space Systems at the Dresden University of Technology. Tajmar has an interest in exotic propulsion methods, including one concept using “negative matter.”

Comment Re:What benefit to announcing it? (Score 1) 203

But the devices won't last forever, so that's not what is being asked of vendors. Support as long as the hardware can reasonably be expected to last in significant numbers is a much shorter period of time and probably not so much of an ask.

If they don't want to commit for that long, perhaps they should advertise their product as disposable.

Comment Re:Valasek and Miller are assholes and should be a (Score 1) 173

Your brother in law was killed by hitting a moose TWICE? Resilient fellow, isn't he? :-)

We all take 'unnecessary' risks daily. Is the food network horribly irresponsible for encouraging me to use a sharp knife? After all, if I just buy the frozen dinners I need not expose myself to the minuscule risk of a fatal injury. Some of those psychos even suggest a blender! I could order the frozen dinners online to avoid the risk of driving to the grocery store.

Comment Re:Ironic (Score 3, Insightful) 298

The government was not asked to give him a microphone. The promoters did that. Meanwhile, he was never at the park.

The KKK and Neo Nazis march all the time with permits in hand because the government DOES have to let them. They are often jeered by bystanders when they do.

I presume your sig is meant ironically?

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