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Comment Re:Yes they are called Netbooks (Score 3, Insightful) 215

They're still incredibly useful... it's just that people stopped buying them because Intel stopped making Atom processors faster/more powerful to choke the life out of the 0% profit margin netbook segment... only to have them revived as "Chromebooks" and are again eating up Microsoft and Intel's bottom line. The only reason Netbooks aren't trendy is because Google wasn't a market disruptor when Wintel made the decision to stop updating Netbook hardware. Now Google is.

Comment Unity is 64 bit now (Score 4, Interesting) 127

Kerbal Space Program (a bleeding edge physics sandbox game built in Unity that includes orbital space travel) had unofficial 64 bit support back in... February '14? And now has official 64-bit support.
$500/developer is pretty cheap, did you buy the developers $250 Chromebook "workstations", too?
Anonymous poster slamming Unity and praising Unreal 4 right after the Unreal team announces huge cuts due to lack of engine uptake, and Unity flying high right now reeks of ad-placement.

Comment Re:Hardware still matters (Score 1) 145

Yes, but now you have one, maybe two (hopefully super-smart) guys onsite with a deep systems knowledge, instead a fleet of screwdriver wielding guys with an A+ certification who are as likely as not to screw up your system. Once it's up and running you just have to keep that machine and it's backup going, and everyone can build on top of that in software, from anywhere in the world.

Comment Re:Huh... (Score 1) 183

Did they retain any of the technology/staff, or did they just buy the toxic OCZ brand? With failure rates for the entire brand above 5%, and approaching seventeen (17%) percent I wouldn't use an OCZ branded SSD at any cost. Imagine debugging a system with a failing drive, and then the labor required to RMA, replace, replace again, and finally buy a quality drive. Screw that.

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 113

Cape Canaveral has lots of delays due to millitary launches (Which always have precedence) and perhaps more importantly, thunderstorms 6/7 afternoons a week. You can't launch in a thunderstorm.
Thunderstorms exist in Texas, but in Brownsville, are rare in comparison to Florida. Having absolute control over the launch facility and launch schedule is Very Important.

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